1.athlete ['æθlit] n.运动员
2.athletic [æθ'letik] adj.运动员般的
3.ATM n.自动提款机
4.attach [ə'tætʃ] v.附上
5.attachment [ə'tætʃmənt] n.附属品
6.attack [ə'tæk] n.v.攻击
7.attain [ə'ten] v.达到
8.attainment [ə'tenmənt] n.达成
9.attempt [ə'tempt] n.v.企图
1.athlete n.运动员,体育家,强壮的人 (a person trained to compete in sports)(=sportsman /woman =sportsperson)
谐音:爱死累的 运动员爱运动到很累 例句:Yao ming is a natural athlete.姚明个天生的运动健将。
2.athletic adj.运动员般的,体格健壮的(=strong)
例句:She looks athletic.她看上去很强壮。(很结实)
athletic与 athletics 的区别: athletics n.竞技,田径运动 例句:Liu xiang is good in athletics.刘翔擅长田径运动。 练习:Kobe Bryant is tall and( A ) A.athletic B.athletics
3.ATM 自动提款机 ATM is an abbreviation for Automatic Teller Machine.
例句:I often take out cash from a bank’s ATM. 我经常在银行的自动取款机里取钱。
4.attach v.附上,系上,绑
短语:1)attach A to B 把 A附到B上 2) be attached to.. 喜爱,爱不释手 例句:1)She attached a check to the order form.她在订单上附上了一张支票 。 2)John is attached to his new cellphone.约翰对他的新手机爱不释手。
5.attachment n.附属品,附件,依附,依恋 attach(附上)+ment(n.)=attachment
例句:The cleaner has various attachments.这个吸尘器有很多附加装置。
Mother and child form a close attachment.母子情深
6.attack n.v.攻击,进攻 attach-h+k=attack 附上武器,就是攻击
a heart attack 心脏病发作 例句:He died of a heart attack by overwork.由于过度劳累,他心脏病发作死了。
7.attain v.达到,获得 (=reach) at(to)+tain(touch)=attain 接触到目标,就是达到
例句:For us,there is something that we can never attain.对于我们来说,有些东西是我们永远不能达到。
8.attainment n.达成,成就 (achievement) attain+ment(n.)=attainment
例句:The attainment of wealth did not make him happier..得到财富并没有使他更快乐。
9.attempt n.v.企图,尝试 (try) at(to+tempt(诱惑)=attempt 企图去诱惑别人
例句:1)He attempts to leave but was stopped.他试图离开,但被阻止了。attempt to 固定短语 尝试、试图做某事 2) I passed my driving test at the first attempt.我驾照一次就通过了。