1.ball [bɔl] n.球
2.ballot [&`&bælət] n.选票
3.ballet [bæ&`&le] n.芭蕾
4.balloon [bə&`&lun] n.气球
5.bamboo [,bæm&`&bu] n.竹子
6.ban [bæn] v.禁止
7.band [bænd] n.乐队
8.bandit [&`&bændɪt]n.强盗
9.bandage [&`&bændɪdʒ] n.绷带
1.ball n.球,舞会
kick the ball 踢球 pass the ball 传球
The birthday ball生日舞会
2.ballot n.选票
secret ballot 无记名投票 ballot box 投票箱 we always see the ballot box in the selection.在选举的时候经常看到投票箱
3.ballet n.芭蕾
ballet dancer 芭蕾舞蹈家 Ballet dancers practise their skill every day.芭蕾舞演员每天练功。
water ballet [体]花样游泳;水上芭蕾舞
4.balloon n.气球
air balloon 气球 表达:热气球 hot-air balloon balloon flower 桔梗花
5.bamboo n.竹子
bamboo leaves 竹叶 bamboo grove 竹林 bamboo raft 竹筏 One bamboo doesn't make a raft . 一根竹子扎不成筏
6.ban v.禁止 n.禁令
The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.政府已经禁止使用化学武器。
7.band n.乐队,一群
Rock and roll band 摇滚乐团 jazz band 爵士乐队
I saw a band of thieves last night in balcony昨天晚上在阳台上看见一群小偷
8.bandit n.强盗,土匪
The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, either alone of in a group在典型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑着马且全副武装
9.bandage n.绷带 vt. 用绷带包扎
The nurse eased away the bandage from the wound.护士小心翼翼地解开伤口处的绷带