单词极客B9段单词讲解(5.16) 录音+笔记

单词极客B9段单词讲解(5.16) 录音+笔记

2016-05-17    11'39''

主播: 单词极客5184词

486 102

B9 beautiful[&`&bjʊtəfəl] a 美丽的 beautify [&`&bjʊtə&`&fai] v 美化 beauty [&`&bjuti] n 美 bee [bi] n 蜂蜜 beef [bif] n 牛肉 beep [bip] n 嘟嘟响 beer [bɪr] n 啤酒 beetle [&`&biːd(ə)l] n 甲虫 beckon [&`&bɛkən] v 向...招手 /ɛ/-/e/ 记忆技巧 从上一回的胡子( ),想到有个留胡子的男子,有个美丽的( )家,他喜欢美化( )环境,他对美( )的重视,招来了蜜蜂( )来筑巢,吃着牛肉( ),听到窗外的嘟嘟声( ),配着啤酒( ),停在窗台的甲虫( ),像是在向他招手( )示好 1.beautiful a 美丽的 pretty/nice/handsome ,attractive/good-looking,pleasing/gorgerous(女神) 2.beautify v 美化 :make sth beautiful fy- 动词后缀:make 让,使 Eg: quality-qualify(使..资格) ,purity-purify(净化),intensety-intensify(使..强化) modify 修改 Eg:Plants can beautify gardens 植物可以美化花园 3.beauty n 美丽=prettiness(魅力);美女,优点 Eg: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 情人眼里出西施 Beauty is in the lovers&`&eyes 4.bee n 蜜蜂 ( a flying insect which can gather honey);勤劳的人:a hard working person as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌, Eg:he is as busy as a bee from morning to night 他从早到晚像蜜蜂一样忙个不停 5.beef 牛肉 (the meat from a cow) 牛排 beef steak 烤牛肉 roast beef beef up:strengthen or reinforce 加强,增援 Eg:We must beef up the arm with new young people 我们必须招募年轻人来强化军队. 6.beep n 嘟嘟声,电话声(a short high tone produced as a single or warning);汽车喇叭声 Eg:Please leave your message and phone number after hearing the beep 听到电话声后,请留言和留下电话号码 7.beer n 啤酒 (brew) beer belly 啤酒肚 drink one&`&s beer 闭嘴 =shut up 8.beetle 甲虫 9.beckon v 向...招手 (single with hands(=wave) or nod):吸引 bacon [&`&bekən] /e/-/ei/ Eg: In China,to use a finger to point or beckon others is rude/impolite. In china,it is impolite to point or beckon others 在中国,用一个指头指别人或招唤别人是不礼貌的.