1.bother [&`&bɑðɚ] v.打扰
2.bottle [&`&bɒt(ə)l] n.瓶子
3.bottom [&`&bɒtəm]n.底部
4.bound [baʊnd]adj.被束缚的
5.boundary [&`&baʊndri]n.边界
6.bounce [baʊns]v.反弹
7.bout [baʊt]n.一回合
8.bow [boʊ] v.鞠躬
9.bowel[&`&baʊəl] n.肠
1.bother v.打扰,烦扰
Brother-r = bother
Eg: My brother keeps bothering me with questions.弟弟一直问问题打扰我
My cold still bothers me.我的感冒仍然困扰着我。
Synonym:disturb trouble
2.bottle n.瓶子,一瓶的容量 (a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; the quantity contained in a bottle)
He filled the bottle with wine. 他用酒装满了那只瓶子
Empty bottles can be recycled.空瓶可以回收。
Bottled water 瓶装水
3.bottom n.底部,末端(the lowest part/side)
He sat at the bottom of the stairs.他坐在楼梯的底部。
Bottom line 底线,要点
The bottom line is that we should never give up.重要的是,我们应该永不言弃
If you don&`&t make a profit you go out of business: that&`&s the bottom line. 不盈利,就停业: 根本问题就在这里。
4.bound adj.被束缚的 (=tied)v.弹起,跳跃
Bind bound bound v. 绑;约束 (常作为形容词用)
to bind those boxes together with a rope用绳把那些箱子捆在一起
He is bound by affection. 他为爱情所束缚。
There were several bound prisoners in the house.房子里有好几位被捆绑的犯人
V. The cat bounded out of the house.那只猫跳出屋外
区别:abound v.富于,充满
5.boundary n.边界,疆界(a line determining the limits of an area)
Synonym:border 边境;边界;国界
Boundary marker/monument 界碑
We crossed the state boundary at midnight. 我们在午夜穿过了州界。
They marked the boundaries of the football fields. 他们画出了足球场地的边界。
6.bounce v.反弹 n. 弹性;活力
The ball bounced against the wall.球弹起击在墙上。
She has a lot of bounce.她精力旺盛
7.bout n.一回合,较量,一阵
In order to win a hard-fight, four-round bout and broke down in tears when it was over.
The boxer has a boxing bout tomorrow.这拳击手明天有一场拳击要打。
Feeling of sadness follows a bout of pleasure.
title bout拳王争霸赛:; 拳王争霸赛;
Zou Shiming has won China&`&s first Olympic gold medal in boxing in the title bout.在拳击冠军争夺战中,邹市明为中国夺得第一枚奥运会拳击金牌。
8.bow v.鞠躬(bend down),n.鞠躬;船首(the front of ship)
He bowed before the king.他在国王前面鞠躬
The sea water foams under the bow.
Bow and arrow 弓与箭
Cupid magic to see if you can please send it to me with a happy bow and arrow.
9.bowel n.肠;内部
Bowel cancer/movement 排便,肠癌
Eg: Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of bowel cancer.多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜能够减少肠癌的危险。
形近词:bowl n. 碗 v.玩保龄球
A bowl of soup
I am fond of bowling at weekend.