bucket ['bʌkɪt] n 水桶
buckle ['bʌk(ə)l] n 扣环
bubble ['bʌb(ə)l] n 泡泡
bud [bʌd] n 芽
budget ['bʌdʒɪt] n 预算
buffalo ['bʌfələʊ] n 水牛
bun [bʌn] n 小团面包
bunch [bʌn(t)ʃ n 一串
bundle ['bʌnd(ə)l] n 一大堆
从上一回的刷子( ),想到带着刷子和水桶( ),帮着安全扣环( )刷高楼的墙壁,在冲洗泡泡( )墙壁上有嫩芽( )长出来,刷完后可以得到两千元的( ),足够买食疗喂养水牛( )和小团面包( )当早餐,回去的路上,买了一串( )香蕉和一大堆( )零食.
1.bucket 水桶,一桶的量
a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟
Our salary was a drop in the bucket compared to company’s benefits.
2.buckle n 扣环(=fastener)
拓展:系上 buckle up
3.bubble n 泡泡(a ball of air)
拓展:burst one's bubble 使...幻想破灭
I do not want to burst your bubble,but i do not think he remembers you.
4.bud n 芽,花蕾(=shoot)
延伸:in bud 在发芽,在萌芽状态
Eg:这些花含苞待放 The flowers are now in bud.
5.budget n 预算 (=funds)
词组:a tight/adequate budget
Eg:那平穷的一家人生活拮据 That poor family lives on a tight budget.
6.buffalo n 水牛 (a large African animal)
7.bun n 小团面包(a small round piece of bread)
8.bunch n 一串(香蕉,葡萄..),一束,一群 ,一颗
Ken bought a bunch of flowers for his mother.
延伸:a bunch=much/a lot
9.bundle n 一大堆,一捆 v捆....
Eg:他怀中抱着一大堆衣服 He held a bundle of clothes in his arm.