那多英语晚读20190105—2018十大网络热词详解(1)Koi Fish锦鲤

那多英语晚读20190105—2018十大网络热词详解(1)Koi Fish锦鲤

2019-01-04    09'34''

主播: Leo那多

178 3

锦鲤 Koi fish 2018年国庆前,某宝官微推出寻找“中国锦鲤”转发抽奖活动,中奖者即为“中国锦鲤”,引发网友疯狂转发。 10月7日,某宝揭晓了抽奖结果,用户@信小呆中奖,成了当之无愧的“锦鲤本鲤”。 “锦鲤”一词也因此走红,成为“好运”的象征,隐含了人们对美好生活的向往。 Koi (koi): In Japanese, it can be written as 恋 . 在日语中,Koi可以被写成“恋”。 The word can be translated as Love in English; however, it's more like the first stage of love. It's meaning is closer to "I have a crush on you". Not like "I am in love with you". 这个单词可以被翻译为英语中的“爱”,然而,它更像是爱情的第一个阶段,意思更接近“我对你有一点动心”,而不是“我爱上你了”。 关于锦鲤: The largest koi fish ever recorded was four feet long and 91 pounds! The monster-sized fish was later sold to the koi enthusiast Geoff Lawton where she received the name Big Girl. 史上记载最大的锦鲤长达4英尺,91磅。这条魔鬼尺寸的鱼最终被卖给了一个锦鲤狂热者Geoff Lawton,他给她取名叫做“大女孩”。 Make sure to keep an eye out if you put any other types of fish in your pond because koi have been known to bully non-koi pond mates. 如果你把其他种类的鱼丢进锦鲤群里,你可要特别小心,因为锦鲤是出了名的排外,会欺负池子里的其他鱼。 The oldest koi fish ever was a koi named Hanako who was born in 1791 and didn't die until 1977 that means she lived to be 226! 年龄最大的锦鲤叫做Hanako,1791年生,1977年卒,这意味着,她足足活了226岁! 主播介绍: Leo那多 加拿大华人,地道英伦腔,磁性男神音。