〈英语小幽默〉Dense Fog

〈英语小幽默〉Dense Fog

2015-12-05    02'41''

主播: 晴姚

187 2

Dense Fog Cars were going forward one after another in a very dense fog .Suddenly the car in front stopped and the next car ran into the back of the front car . The driver of the next car got out and shouted , “Foolish donkey ,how can you brake your car here in such a dense fog ?” The driver of the front car replied , “ Let me ask you first . Why on earth have you driven your car into my garage ? 大雾 一个大雾天,汽车一辆挨着一辆前行。突然,前面的汽车停了,后面的汽车撞在了前面那辆车的尾部。后面那辆车的司机下车后大喊: “ 蠢驴!这样的大雾天你怎么在这里刹车呢 ?前面那辆车的司机回答说:“还是让我先来问你吧,你到底是为什么把你的车开进我的车库?” 类型:英语 音乐:卡农 制作:晴姚