继上张热单《Faded》在全球取得惊为天人的销量之后,半年之后Walker携带全新舞曲风格作品《SingMe To Sleep》强势归来。《Sing Me To Sleep》的音乐标题听似在描述爱情生活的甜蜜无比实则与其有天壤之别。Iselin Solheim运用她张力十足的声线向听众娓娓道来:始终未曾停下探秘的脚步,渴望在世界的一角寻求一丝慰藉。据悉,MV在香港拍摄,将会带领你完成全城搜寻的使命
Half a year after his previous hit "Faded" received spectacular sales worldwide, Walker returned with his new dance-inspired "Singme To Sleep." The title of "Sing Me To Sleep" sounds like it's about the sweetness of your love life, but it can't be more different. Iselin Solheim uses her powerful voice to tell her audience that she has never stopped searching for a corner of the world for solace. It is reported that the MV was shot in Hong Kong and will take you through the mission of searching the city