Taylor, the tree bird

Taylor, the tree bird

2016-03-02    02'04''

主播: shirley_wang

266 15

Hi, I’m Taylor the Tree Bird and I plant trees.  Can you guess why?  Listen to me.   大家好,我是泰勒,一只住在树上的小鸟,而且我还种树。你知道这是为什么吗?我来告诉你。 Trees are terrific. I love everyone.   树是非常好的。我热爱每一棵树。 They are warmth in cold winter and shade in hot sun.   他们是寒冷冬天里的温暖,也是烈日下的一片阴凉。 After long flights, in a tree birds can rest.  During the spring, in a tree birds can nest.   长途飞行后,鸟儿可以在树上休息。春天里,鸟儿们在树上筑巢。 Trees give us wood, homes as you know.  Trees stop the wind, so all things can grow.   就像你知道的,树给我们提供木材,提供家。树还可以阻止大风,从而使万物生长。 So, next time you see a bird, think of me and plant a tree.   所以,如果下一次你看见小鸟,想想我,然后种一棵树吧。