sleepy mr.sloth

sleepy mr.sloth

2016-03-20    03'06''

主播: shirley_wang

166 12

One day, Mr. Sloth came to visit. He said: I’m sleepy! I need a good branch for a bed! 一天,树懒先生来了。他说:我好困啊!我要找一根树枝当床! I’m quite good at climbing. I know how to swing. 我很擅长爬树。我知道怎么在树上荡来荡去。 But sleeping’s my favourite, favourite thing! 但是睡觉是我最最喜欢的事情了! This branch looks lovely! I think I’ll sleep here. 这根树枝看起来不错!我想我可以睡在这儿。 And you? Don’t you think that’s a splendid idea? 你觉得呢?你不觉得这是个很棒的主意吗? Oh no, Mr. Sloth! A giraffe’s eating there! 噢,不,树懒先生!有只长颈鹿在这里吃东西! He might think you’re lunch and start nibbling your hair! 他可能会觉得你是他的午餐,要开始一点点吃你的头发了! This branch looks lovely! I think I’ll sleep here. 这根树枝看起来不错!我想我可以睡在这儿。 And you? Don’t you think that’s a splendid idea? 你觉得呢?你不觉得这是个很棒的主意吗? Oh no, Mr. Sloth! There’s a beehive right there! 噢,不,树懒先生!有个蚂蜂窝就在旁边! You’ll never get sleep with those bees everywhere! 你在到处都是蜜蜂的地方肯定睡不好! This branch looks lovely! I think I’ll sleep here. 这根树枝看起来不错!我想我可以睡在这儿。 And you? Don’t you think that’s a splendid idea? 你觉得呢?你不觉得这是个很棒的主意吗? Oh no, Mr. Sloth, that’s a snake over there! 噢,不,树懒先生!那儿有只蛇! Not a branch! Poor old snake. 这不是树枝!是条又可怜又老的蛇! You gave him quite a scare. 你吓到他了。 This branch looks lovely! I think I’ll sleep here. 这根树枝看起来不错!我想我可以睡在这儿。 And you? Don’t you think that’s a splendid idea? 你觉得呢?你不觉得这是个极好的主意吗? Oh no, Mr. Sloth! There’s a bird squawking there! 噢,不,树懒先生!这有只鸟在啼叫! You’ll never get sleep with that noise in the air! 你在那么吵的环境下肯定睡不好! Try climb one more branch, Mr. Sloth! They all said. 试着再爬到另一个树枝上,树懒先生!大家都这么说。 And that branch was just the right one for his bed. 那根才是适合当他床的树枝。 The bird and the snake, the giraffe and each bee were happy to have Mr. Sloth in their tree. 小鸟、蛇、长颈鹿还有每只蜜蜂都很高兴树懒先生来到了他们的树上。
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