

2019-07-28    04'06''

主播: 慧读美文~徜徉文字,品味书香

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花之歌作者:黎巴嫩·纪伯伦 我是大自然的话语,大自然说出来,又收回去,把它藏在心间,然后又说一遍…… 我是星星,从苍穹坠落在绿茵中。 我是诸元素之女:冬将我孕育;春使我开花;夏让我成长;秋令我昏昏睡去。 我是亲友之间交往的礼品;我是婚礼的冠冕;我是生者赠与死者最后的祭献。 清早,我同晨风一道将光明欢迎;傍晚,我又与群鸟一起为它送行。 我在原野上摇曳,使原野的风光更加旖旎;我在清风中呼吸,使清风更加芬芳馥郁。我微睡时,黑夜星空的千万颗亮晶晶的眼睛对我察看;我醒来时,白昼的那只硕大无朋的独眼向我凝视。 我饮着朝霞酿成的琼浆;听着小鸟的鸣啭、歌唱;我婆娑起舞,芳草为我鼓掌。我总是仰望高空,对光明心驰神往;我从不顾影自怜,也不孤芳自赏。而这些哲理,人类尚未完全领悟。 Song of the Flower   I am a kind word uttered and repeated  By the voice of Nature;  I am a star fallen from the  Blue tent upon the green carpet.  I am the daughter of the elements  With whom Winter conceived;  To whom Spring gave birth; I was  Reared in the lap of Summer and I  Slept in the bed of Autumn.  At dawn I unite with the breeae  To announce the coming of light;  At eventide I join the birds  In bidding the light farewell.  The plains are decorated with  My beautiful colors, and the air  Is scented with my fragrance.  As I embrace Slumber the eyes of  Night watch over me, and as I  Awaken I stare at the sun, which is  The only eye of the day.~  I drink dew for wine, and hearken to  The voices of the birds, and dance  To the rhythmic swaying of the grass.  I am the lover's gift; I am the wedding wreath;  I am the memory of a moment of happiness;  I am the last gift of the living to the dead;  I am a part of joy and a part of sorrow.  But I look up high to see only the light,  And never look down to see my shadow.  This is wisdom which man must learn.