果子🍹9021 A letter from parents!

果子🍹9021 A letter from parents!

2016-06-25    02'17''

主播: 果子🍹9021

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感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~给自己承诺,给自己方向! A Letter from parents 一封来自父母的信 Dear Heidi, as a parent my role is to provide a launching pad and encourage you to reach for the sky.” “亲爱的Heidi,作为父母,我的责任是为你提供一个发射台,然后鼓励你迈向天空。” “You have grown to be a lovely woman, who I am very proud to say is my daughter and friend.” “你已经长成了一个可爱的女人,我很自豪这个女人是我的女儿,也是我的朋友。” “Your first word was bye, as in goodbye. From day one we recognized that you had a distinct vision, a fierce independence, and a strong will.” “你会说的第一个词的bye,再见的那个bye。从那时起,我们就知道你有独特的视野,很强的独立性,还有坚强的意志。” “More than pride, we feel joy — joy for your accomplishment and joy that you have found a path that fulfills you, gives you a sense of purpose, and uses your many gifts.” “我们感到的不仅是自豪,还为你高兴。为你取得的成就高兴,也为你找到一条能够充分发挥你的才能、让你有目标、有成就感的道路而高兴。” "We still remember how the first time you went to the USA all by yourself... we know that you must be scared... and we don't sleep until we know that you are already in your dorm." “我们现在还记得你第一次孤身一人去美国的情景,我们知道你一定很害怕。直到你安全到达宿舍,我们才敢睡觉。” “And when you told us how sad you were because you had no friends at all at first, it broke our hearts to hear that.” “你刚到学校的时候说你一个朋友都没有,很难过的时候,我们的心都碎了。” "In jazz there is no wrong note; it all depends on which note is played next...and that the discordant notes you will play from time to time all resolve in the end." “在爵士乐中是没有错误的音符的,主要看下一个弹出来的音符是什么。你偶尔弹出来的不和谐音符最终都会消解的。”