

2017-05-05    05'08''

主播: 南粟

91 3

春夏秋冬(English Ver.), I wanna be there with you when the season comes and goes, 说好了呢,四季交替之时,我会在此,与你相伴, We're taking a trip to see the world, It's going going on, 我们,要一起去看这个世界, Car, train, or ship, even by airplane, 坐车,搭火车,乘船,甚至坐飞机也可以的说, We make a plan and fantasize it every sunday, 每个周日,都在一起,制定着这样那样的计划, Oh it' so nice in spring time We're just relaxing outside, 春天,我和你,一同在郊外小憩,那多么美妙呀, Flowers all around us, like we're in the world of fantasy, 身处花海之中,仿佛置身幻境, When the summer comes, We are having a Barbeque, 夏季降临之时,我们会去野外烧烤,Waiting for night time, so I get to see the fireworks with you, 静待夜幕降临,这样,我就能看见五彩烟火下的你啦, When the fall comes, all the leaves'll turn gold, 秋天来的时候,树叶化作金色, When the winter comes, now everything is covered by the snow, 而冬天的世界,整个都被大雪覆盖了,Every single season, It seems so brand new, 每个季节看起来都是如此新鲜呢, When I can spend it with you, 只要和你在一起, Let me know, the things you wanna see in spring time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的春天, Let me know, the things you wanna see in summer time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的夏季, When the flowers bloom, when the sun shines bright, 当春花盛开,当夏日闪耀, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, Let me know, the things you wanna see in fall time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的秋景, Let me know, the things you wanna see in winter time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的冬日, When the leaves fall, When the snow is falling down, 当秋叶飘落,当冬雪漫天, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, All the memories of the good days, they never fade away, 那些美妙日子的记忆,永不会褪色的,We've been through ups and downs ever since the first day, 虽然,我们的生活并不是风平浪静 ,嗯哪,从一开始就不是呢, Sometimes we argue and fuss, 有时候,我们也会吵架的说, But every single day is a blessing for the two of us, 但是我们在一起的每一天都是如此幸福呢,Oh This is where I'm supposed to be cuz you got a hold on me, 呐,我猜,大概你就是我的归宿吧, The feelings gets stronger everytime you look at me, 每当你注视着我的时候,那份感受就愈发强烈, And I gotta say that you're the one I need,哎呀,我必须要,对你说出这句话:你,就是我最需要的人了呢, Remember the day I made a promise to you right by the sea, 还记得那一天我在海边,对你许下的约定,Uh So many nights, I made you cry, 呀,多少个夜晚里,我让你伤心流泪, You still stayed right by my side, 你却依然在我身边,不离不弃, Give me a sign when you're feeling down so I can treat you right, 你感觉失落的时候,记得要给我一声叹息,这样我才知道去安慰你呀, Cuz we used to cry together til the break of dawn, 我们也曾一起流泪直到天明, Every word you said to me still keeps me going strong so, 你对我说的每一句话,都让我变得更加坚强, We've been through the good times, 我们有过美妙的岁月, and we've been through the bad times, 也有过不好的时光, Let me show you how I feel, 就让我告诉你我的感受吧, Here are my words of honesty, 这是我的全部心意, No matter where you are, no matter where you go, 无论你在哪里,无论你将去哪里, I know I got to be with you so, 我知道,我一定会伴随着你, Let me know, the things you wanna see in spring time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的春天, Let me know, the things you wanna see in summer time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的夏季, When the flowers bloom, when the sun shines bright, 当春花盛开,当夏日闪耀, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, Let me know, the things you wanna see in fall time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的秋景, Let me know, the things you wanna see in winter time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的冬日, When the leaves fall, When the snow is falling down, 当秋叶飘落,当冬雪漫天, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, So baby talk to me, baby smile for me, 噫~跟我说说话嘛~,亲爱的~笑一个吧~,We chill out and time goes by slowly, 我们就这样闲聊着漫步着的时候,时光悄悄的溜走了呢, We just joke around and talk about the stupidest things, 我们讲着笑话,说着做过的蠢事, And when we get enough of it, we look for another place, 等我们厌倦了这份惬意的时候,我们就去下一个地方, You know I would go anywhere, just to be by your side, 你知道的,只要和你在一起的话,我哪里都可以去呀, Let's go out and take a drive under the beautiful sky, 我们一同开车在蔚蓝的晴空下兜风, We've been to a lot of places, but we still we have to go, 我们已经去过很多美丽的地方,但是我们还要继续旅行, You know there's gotta be so much more,你知道的,这世界,还有更多的美丽,Someday we start a family and have a baby, 呐,等到某一天,我们结婚了,也有了一个小宝宝, You know we gotta take him to the place that we used to hang around, 你知道啦,我们一定会带他去那些地方,那些留下我们足迹的地方, The place where we met and the place we belong, 我们初遇之地,我们归属之处, The place where we made our promise to love forever, 还有,许下我们永恒爱恋的誓约的地方,Let me know, the things you wanna see in spring time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的春天, Let me know, the things you wanna see in summer time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的夏季, When the flowers bloom, when the sun shines bright, 当春花盛开,当夏日闪耀, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, Let me know, the things you wanna see in fall time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的秋景, Let me know, the things you wanna see in winter time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的冬日, When the leaves fall, When the snow is falling down, 当秋叶飘落,当冬雪漫天, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, Let me know, the things you wanna see in spring time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的春天, Let me know, the things you wanna see in summer time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的夏季, When the flowers bloom, when the sun shines bright, 当春花盛开,当夏日闪耀, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起, Let me know, the things you wanna see in fall time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的秋景, Let me know, the things you wanna see in winter time, 告诉我吧,你想见到的冬日, When the leaves fall, When the snow is falling down, 当秋叶飘落,当冬雪漫天, I wanna be with you, 我想和你在一起, I gotta be with you, 我要和你在一起。 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~
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