

2016-05-17    02'04''

主播: 北教培优学院

824 58

'You must come out of the sun,Mr Gray,'said Lord Henry.'A brown skin isn't fashionable and it won't suit you. “你必须避开阳光,格雷先生。”亨利勋爵说。“棕色皮肤不时兴,也不适合你。” 'Oh,it doesn't matter,'laughed Dorian. “哦,不要紧。”多里安笑着。 'But it should matter to you,Mr Gray.' “但对你是要紧的,格雷先生。” 'Why?'asked Dorian. “为什么?”多里安问。 'Because you're young,and being young is wonderful.Ah,you smile.You don't think so now,but one day you'll understand what I mean—when you're old,and tired,and no longer beautiful.You have a wonderfully beautiful face,Mr Gray.It's true.Don't shake your head at me.And there's nothing more important,more valuable than beauty.When your youth goes,your beauty will go with it.Then you'll suddenly discover that your life is empty—there will be nothing to enjoy,nothing to hope for.Time is your enemy,Mr Gray.It will steal everything from you.People are afraid of themselves today.Afraid to live.But you,with your face and your youth,there's nothing that you cannot do.You must live!Live the wonderful life that is in you!We can never be young again.Youth!Ah,there is nothing in the world as important as youth!' “因为你年轻,年轻是极好的。啊,你笑了,现在你不这样认为,但是有一天你会明白我的意思——当你变老、疲倦,不再漂亮时。你长着非常漂亮的面孔,格雷先生。这是真的,别朝我摇头。没有比美貌更重要、更有价值的了。当你的青春逝去时,你的美貌也随之消失。然后你会突然发现生活的空虚——不再欣赏任何事物,也不再对任何事物抱有希望。时间是你的敌人,格雷先生。它会偷走你的一切。如今人们害怕自己,害怕生活。但是你,凭着你的面孔和青春,没有任何你不能做的事情。你必须享受人生,过着属于你的美好的生活!我们再不会年轻了。青春!啊,世界上没有比青春更重要的了!” Dorian Gray listened and wondered.New ideas filled his head.He felt strange,different. 多里安·格雷听着、思考着。新思想装满了他的脑海。他感到奇特和不同。 At that moment Basil called them from the house.Lord Henry turned to Dorian.'You're happy that you've met me,Mr Gray,'he said. 这时巴兹尔在房间里叫他们。亨利勋爵转向多里安,“你高兴结识了我,格雷先生。”他说。 'Yes,I'm happy now.Will I always be happy,I wonder?' “是的,我现在挺高兴。我想我会总是高高兴兴的,是吗?” 'Always!'Lord Henry smiled.'What a terrible word!Women use it much too often.What does it mean?It's today that is important.' “总会的!”亨利勋爵笑着。“多可怕的一句话!女人们总是这样说。这是什么意思呢?那就是重要的是今天。”