

2016-05-19    02'05''

主播: 北教培优学院

695 66

The smell of balsam was heavy in the air, 空气中弥漫着香精的气味, and Hafid's sensitive old nose 海菲敏感的鼻子 detected the presence of sweet plums apples cheese, and ginger. 还闻到了香甜的李子、苹果、乳酪和生姜的味道。 Finally he turned to Erasmus. 然后,他转向伊拉玛: "Old friend, how much wealth is there now accumulated in our treasury?" “老伙计,咱们的金库里现在有多少现款?” Erasmus paled, "Everything master?" “所有的?” "Everything." “所有的。” "I have not studied the numbers recently, “我最近没有盘点, but I would estimate there is in excess of seven million gold talents." 不过总在七百万金币以上。” "And were all the goods in all my warehouses and emporiums converted into gold, how much would they bring?" “仓库里的现货,折合成金币是多少?” "Our inventory is not yet complete for this season, sire, “老爷,这一季的货还没有到齐, but I would calculate a minimum of another three million talents." 不过我想少说也合个三百万金币。” Hafid nodded, 海菲点了点头。 "Purchase no more goods. “不要再进货了。 Institute immediately whatever plans, are required 马上把所有的现货卖了, to sell everything that is mine, and convert all of it to gold." 换成金子。” The bookkeeper's mouth opened, 老总管目瞪口呆, but no sound came forth. 一句话也说不出来。 He fell back, as if struck, 他向被人打中似地往后退了几步, and when finally he could speak the words came with effort, 好不容易才说道: "I do not understand, sire. “老爷,您把我弄糊涂了, This has been our most profitable year. 我们今年的财运最好, Every emporium reports an increase in sales over the previous season. 各大商店都说上个季度销售量又增加了。 Even the Roman legions are now our customers, 就连罗马军方都向我们买货, for did you not sell the Procurator in Jerusalem 您不是在两个礼拜之内, two hundred Arabian stallions within the fortnight? 卖给耶路撒冷的总督两百匹阿拉伯牡马吗? Forgive my boldness, 请您原谅我, for seldom have I questioned your orders, 老爷,我一向很少顶撞您, but this command I cannot comprehend. .. " 但是这一回,我实在弄不明白,您为什么要......” Hafid smiled, and gently grasped Erasmus' hand. 海菲微微一笑,和蔼地拉着老伊的手, "My trusted comrade, “老伊, is your memory of sufficient strength, to recall the first command you received from me, when you entered my employ many years ago?" 你还记不记得好多年前你刚来的时候,我要你做的第一件事?” Erasmus frowned momentarily, and then his face brightened. 伊拉玛皱了皱眉,然后眼睛突然一亮, "I was enjoined by you to remove, each year, half the profit from our treasury “你吩咐我每年 and dispense it to the poor." 要把所赚的一半分给穷人。”