

2016-05-30    02'39''

主播: 北教培优学院

731 59

Nearly a fortnight after the caravan had returned to its headquarters in Palmyra, 商队返回帕尔迈拉岛两个星期后的一天夜里, Hafid was awakened from his straw cot in the stable, 海菲在牲口棚的草床上被人叫醒 and summoned to appear before Pathros. 主人召见他。 He hastened to the bed chamber of the master and stood uncertainly before the huge bed 他匆匆来到主人的寝宫,手足无措地立在床头。 which dwarfed its occupant. 宽大的床铺使得睡在上面的人看起来小了许多。 Pathros opened his eyes 柏萨罗睁开双眼, and struggled with his coverings until he was sitting upright. 挣扎着坐了起来。 His face was gaunt 他面容憔悴, and blood vessels bulged in his hands. 手上青筋暴露, It was difficult for Hafid to believe that this was the same man 海菲不敢相信,眼前的这个人, with whom he had spoken only twelve days ago. 就是两周前和自己讲过话的那个人。 Pathros motioned toward the lower half of the bed 主人用手指了指床铺的下半部, and the youth sat carefully on its edge, 少年小心翼翼地挨着床边坐下来, waiting for the old man to speak. 等着主人发话。 Even Pathros' voice was different in sound and pitch from their last meet- tog. 他注意到就连主人说话的音调都和上次见面时大不相同。 "My son, ye have had many days to reconsider your ambitions. “孩子,这些天来,你有足够的时间考虑, Is it still within thee to become a great salesman?" 你还想成为一个最伟大的推销员吗?” "Yes, sire." “是的,老爷。” The ancient head nodded. 老人点了点头, "So be it. I had planned to spend much time with you “那就开始吧!我本来计划多花点时间和你在一起, but as you can see there are other plans for me. 但是你也看得出来,我还有其它的事要做。 Although I consider myself a good salesman 虽然我是一个成功的推销员, I am unable to sell death on departing from my door. 但是我还是没办法把死亡从这个门口推销出去。 He has been waiting for days like a hungry dog at our kitchen door. 死亡早在那儿等着我了, Like the dog, 就像一只饿狗, he knows that eventually the door will be left unguarded...." 等在厨房门口,稍一疏忽,它就冲进来……” Coughing interrupted Pathros and Hafid sat motionless as the old man gasped for air. 话没说完,他便咳了起来,海菲呆呆地坐在床边,看着老人吃力地喘着气。 Finally the coughs ceased and Pathros smiled weakly, 最后,咳嗽停了,柏萨罗露出虚弱的笑容。 "Our time together is brief so let us begin. “我们在一起的时间不多了,我还是言归正传吧。 First, remove the small cedar chest which is beneath this bed." 你先把床下的香杉木箱子拉出来。” Hafid knelt and pulled out a small leather- strapped box. 海菲跪下来,双手摸索着,从床底拉出一只裹着皮革的小箱子, He placed it below the contour made by Pathros' legs on the bed. 把它放在柏萨罗刚刚坐过的地方。 The old man cleared his throat, 老人清了清喉咙, "Many years ago when I possessed less status that even a camel boy, “许多年以前,当我连个喂养骆驼的僮仆都不如的时候, I was privileged to rescue a traveler from the East 无意间救了一个东方人, who had been set upon by two bandits. 那时他被两个强盗绑架。 He insisted that I had saved his life 事后,这个东方人硬说我是他的救命恩人, and wished to reward me although I sought none. 一定要报答我。 Since I had neither a family nor funds 他见我无依无靠,孤苦伶仃的一个人, he enjoined me to return with him to his home 就把我接到他家去, and kin where I was accepted as one of his own. 与他的家人共享天伦之乐。” "One day, after I had grown accustomed to my new life, “我慢慢适应了那里的生活。一天, he introduced me to this chest. Inside were ten leather scrolls, each one numbered. 他把这个箱子打开给我看,里面装了十张羊皮卷,每一张都标了号码。