

2016-06-06    02'04''

主播: 北教培优学院

2023 78

In Monsieur Defarge&`&s wine-shop in Saint Antoine customers came and went all the time. 在圣安东尼得法热先生的酒店里,顾客们来来往往络绎不绝。 They came to drink the thin, rough wine, but more often they came to listen and to talk, and to wait for news. 他们来这儿喝点清淡的粗制葡萄酒,但他们更多的是来这儿聆听和交谈的,还有等候消息的。 One day there were more customers than usual. Defarge had been away for three days, 一天,店里的顾客比平常要多。得法热已经出去3天了。 and when he returned that morning, he brought a stranger with him, a man who repaired roads. 当他那天早上回来时,他带回来了一个陌生人,一个修路工。 &`&Madame, &`& Defarge said to his wife, &`&this man, who is called Jacques, has walked a long way with me.&`& “夫人,”得法热对他的妻子说。“这个人叫雅克,他已经和我一起走了很长一段路。” One customer got up and went out.&`&This mender of roads, &`& continued Defarge, 有一个顾客这时起身走了出去。“这个修路工,”得法热接着说 &`&who is called Jacques, is a good man. Give him something to drink.&`& A second man got up and went out. “叫雅克,是个好人。给他来点喝的吧。”第二个人起身走了出去。 The man who repaired roads sat down and drank. A third man got up and went out. 那个修路的人坐了下来喝酒。第三个人起身走了出去。 &`&Have you finished, my friend?&`& said Defarge.&`&Then come and see the room I promised you.&`& “喝完了吗,我的朋友?”得法热说。“那就过来看看我答应给你的房间吧。” They went upstairs, to the room where Dr Manette had sat making shoes. 他们上了楼,来到马内特医生曾坐着做鞋子的房间。 The three men who had left the wine-shop were waiting. Defarge spoke to them. 那三个刚才离开酒店的男人正在等着他们。得法热对他们说: &`&No names. You are Jacques One, Jacques Two and Jacques Three. I am Jacques Four. This is Jacques Five. “没有名字。你们是雅克一,雅克二和雅克三。我是雅克四,这是雅克五。 He brings us news of our poor friend Gaspard, whose child was killed by the Marquis&`&s coach a year ago.&`& 他给我们带来了我们可怜的朋友加斯珀的消息,一年前他的孩子被侯爵的马车压死了。”