

2016-06-10    02'26''

主播: 北教培优学院

1441 79

&`&Well, &`& said Defarge, &`&it is a long time.&`& “唉,”得法热说,“时间太长了。” &`&It takes time to prepare for change. The crimes against the people of France cannot be revenged in a day.&`& “准备变革就得花费时间。” &`&But we may not live to see the end.&`& “但我们也许不会活着看到结果了。” &`&Even if that happens, &`& replied Madame Defarge, &`&we shall help it to come. “即使是这样,”得法热夫人说,”“我们也要尽力让它到来。 But I believe that we shall see the day of our revenge against these hated noblemen.&`& 但是我相信我们会看到我们对那些可恨的贵族们复仇的那一天。” The next day a stranger came into the wine-shop. At once, Madame Defarge picked up a rose from the table and put it in her hair. 第二天一个陌生人来到了酒店。立刻,得法热夫人便从桌上拿起一支玫瑰花插在了头发上。 As soon as they saw this, the customers stopped talking and, one by one, without hurrying, left the wine-shop. 顾客们一看到这个动作便立刻停止了交谈,并一个接着一个从容地离开了酒店。 &`&Good day, Madame, &`& said the stranger. “你好,夫人。”陌生人说。 &`&Good day, Monsieur, &`&said Madame Defarge, but to herself she said, “你好,先生。”得法热夫人说。但她心里说: &`&About forty years old, tall, black hair, thin face. Yes, I know who you are, Mr John Barsad.&`& “大约40多岁,高个儿,黑头发,瘦脸庞。对了,我知道你是谁,约翰·巴萨德先生。” &`&Is business good?&`& asked the stranger. “生意好吗?”陌生人问。 &`&Business is bad, The people are so poor.&`& Madame Defarge looked over to the door.&`&Ah, here is my husband.&`& “生意不好,人们太穷了。”得法热夫人抬起头看着门。“啊,这是我丈夫。” &`&Good day, Jacques, &`&said the spy. “你好,雅克。”间谍说道。 &`&You&`&re wrong, &`& said Defarge, staring at him.&`&That&`&s not my name. I am Ernest Defarge.&`& “你错了,”得法热盯着他说。“那不是我的名字,我叫恩斯特·得法热。” &`&It&`&s all the same, &`& said the spy easily.&`&I remember something about you, Monsieur Defarge. “那都一样,”间谍随口说道。“我记得你的一些事,得法热先生。 You took care of Dr Manette when he came out of the Bastille.&`& 马内特医生从巴士底狱出来后是你照顾他的。” &`&That&`&s true, &`& said Defarge. “是那样的。”得法热说。 &`&Have you heard much from Dr Manette and his daughter? They&`&re in England now.&`& “你常有马内特医生和他女儿的消息吗?他们现在在英国。” &`&No, not for a long time.&`& “没有,很长时间都没有了。”