

2016-06-16    02'22''

主播: 北教培优学院

2220 91

Tellson&`&s Bank in Paris was in a large building south of the river, close to the heart of the city. 巴黎的台尔森银行在河南岸的一个大楼里,接近市中心。 Mr Lorry had arrived in Paris some days before Charles Darnay, 劳里先生已先于查尔斯·代尔那几天到达巴黎, and was now living in some rooms above the bank. 现在正在银行楼上的房间住。 One evening, looking out of the window, 一天晚上他朝窗外看的时候, he saw that a large grindstone had been brought into the square below. 见到一块巨大的磨石被人扛到了楼下的场地上。 There was a wild, shouting crowd around it, 一群疯狂、呼叫着的人正围着它。 busy sharpening their knives and swords and axes, 他们忙着磨刀、剑和斧子, which were already red with blood. 这些利刃已经被血染红了。 With shaking hands, Mr Lorry closed the window. 劳里先生颤抖着双手关上了窗户。 He had decided to go downstairs and talk to the bank guards, 他本来决定下楼去和银行卫兵谈谈的, when suddenly the door of his room opened, and Lucie and her father ran in. 却见房门被突然打开,路茜和他父亲跑了进来。 &`&Lucie!Manette!What has happened? Why are you here? &`& cried Mr Lorry. “路茜!马内特!发生了什么事? 你们怎么来了? ”劳里先生喊道。 &`&Charles is in Paris, &`&cried Lucie. &`&He came to help an old family servant. But he&`&s been taken to prison. &`& “查尔斯现在在巴黎,”路茜嚷道。“他来这儿是要营救一位老仆人的,可他现在已被关进了监狱。” At that moment the shouts of the crowd outside grew louder. 这时候外面人群的喊声更大了。 &`&What is that noise? &`&asked the Doctor. “那些声音是怎么回事? ”医生问。 &`&Don&`&t look out!&`&cried Mr Lorry. “别往外看!”劳里先生大声说。 &`&My friend, &`&said the Doctor. &`&I am safe in Paris. I was a prisoner in the Bastille. “我的朋友,”医生说。“在巴黎我是安全的。我曾是巴士底狱的一个囚徒, Every body knows about me and how I suffered. 所有的人都知道我以及我是怎么受苦的。 Already people want to help me;they gave us news of Charles. &`& 人们愿意帮助我,他们给了我们有关查尔斯的消息。” &`&Even so, don&`&t look outside. Where is Charles? &`& “即便这样,也别往外看。查尔斯在哪儿? ” &`&In the prison of La Force. &`& “在拉弗尔斯监狱。” &`&La Force!Dear Lucie, you can do nothing tonight. “拉弗尔斯监狱!亲爱的路茜,你今天晚上是无能为力的了, You must go to one of the rooms here and wait. I must told with your father at once. &`& 你得待在这儿的一间房子里等着,我必须马上和你父亲谈谈。” Lucie kissed him and left the room. 路茜吻了他后便离开了房间。