改错题: 和 a/an/the 有关的考点

改错题: 和 a/an/the 有关的考点

2017-02-05    12'02''

主播: 北教培优学院

1123 39

1 冠词(a/an/the) 2 逻辑关系词 3 指示代词或物主代词(these/ those/ this/ that/ their/ its) 4 介词搭配 5 分词(包括伴随状语以及独立主格结构) 6 形容词的比较级 7 副词 8 动词的第三人称 9 动词时态 0 定语从句​ 冠词 a/an 的进阶用法​ 1.如果复数名词或者专有名词作为整体受到形容词的修饰,那么前面需要有冠词的修饰,需要注意的是,这种形容词一般表示暂时的情况,而非名词本身所固有的属性; 例: Weak America is not in the best interests of the whole world. (误) A weak America is not in the best interests of the whole world. (正) a Great Britain (误) Great Britain (正) a split Supreme Court (正) split Supreme Court (误) 区区一百年 a mere 100 years​ 2.a ... of a ... 结构,构成前者对后者的比喻; 例: it was opened by a small barrel of a woman. (《法国中尉的女人》John Robert Fowles) a mountain of a wave 排山倒海的巨浪 a nightmare of a city噩梦般的城市 note:如果是特指,只能把第一个不定冠词变成定冠词,即,the ... of a ... the angel of a girl 那个天使般的女孩​ 冠词 the 的进阶用法 如果动作施加在整体的某一个局部之上,那么英文中会把整体当成宾语,局部处理成状语,而局部虽然仍然与整体属于从属关系,此刻却使用定冠词而非物主代词; 例: He hit my head. (误) He hit me on my head. (误) He hit me on the head. (正) 例: She gently patted me on the back. (正) He kissed her on the forehead. (正) 冠词真题练习(1) The previous section has shown how quickly a rhyme 【passes from one schoolchild to the next and illustrates the further】 difference between school lore and nursery lore. 讲解: the-a,illustrate此处的意思是“表明...真实”“显示...存在”,等同于demonstrate。​首次出现、非独一无二,不能特指。 冠词真题练习(2) They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundred 【years of a steady decline, producing the "baby boom". These young adults established a trend】 of early marriage and relatively large families that went for more than two decades 讲解: 去掉冠词a​,a of a,然而decline不可数,不可以用years修饰…A of B时间特例 冠词真题练习(3) We may say that the cries of pain or chortles of amusement are largely reflex actions, 【instinctive to large extent, whereas language proper does】 not consist of signs ...... 讲解: large前面加a,extent虽然也是不可数名词,可是前面加了表示暂时性的具体性质的形容词large,那么根据之前的进阶用法第一点,就必须加上不定冠词。 试比较: 1, To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. 2, To some extent what she argues is true. 3, To what extent is this true of all schools?​