unit2 03 2B

unit2 03 2B

2019-07-15    01'14''

主播: szsurfing

160 5

2a A group of students are planning a City Park Clean-Up Day.Listen and check (√) the things they are going to do to tell people about it. Now we need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. Yeah, but I'm hungry, Bob. Let's have lunch first. No, we need to start now. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now. You're right, Sally. We can't put off making a plan. As we talk, I'll write down all our ideas. Then we can decide which ideas are best. Um... well... we could put up signs. That's a good idea! Let's make some notices, too. Then I'll hand them out after school. OK. Great! And we could each call up 10 students and ask them to come. Hey, we're coming up with a lot of good ideas, aren't we?
上一期: unit2 06 3a
下一期: unit2 09 2b