

2018-10-09    07'26''

主播: Albert英语研习社

1951 16

ABC: Applying foundation, nose contouring and filling in eyebrows are standard practice for many women getting ready to head out. But for many men in China and in other parts of Asia, using cosmetics is part of their routine too. "I basically wear makeup every time I go out, and buying clothes also makes me happy," Zhang Yangzi, a 22-year-old teacher from Shanghai, told the ABC. He said he spends about a third of his monthly income on his appearance, mainly on clothing and cosmetics. "Perhaps I feel that makeup will make me more confident, and I think men should polish ourselves better," he added. 主播:周邦琴Albert ●没有名牌大学背景,没有英语专业背景 ●没有国外留学经历,没有英语生活环境 ●22岁成为500强公司英文讲师,录音素材全球员工使用 ●自学成为同声传译,25岁为瑞士总统翻译