

2021-12-13    06'19''

主播: Albert英语研习社

197 1

关注公众号【Albert英语研习社】,0元报名《3天英语思维风暴营》直播大课,Albert带你巧用英语思维,听说读写译轻松进阶! The New York Times: Rescue workers across the middle of the country combed through wreckage for survivors on Saturday after a horde of tornadoes ripped a catastrophic swath from Arkansas through Kentucky. Scores of people were killed in the storms, and officials warned that the toll was almost certain to rise as they sifted through the ruins. 知识点 1 comb through [koʊm θruː]仔细查看 2 wreckage [ˈrekɪdʒ](灾难后事物的)残骸 3 remains[rɪˈmeɪnz](尸骨)残骸 4 horde [hɔːrd]一大群 5 tornado [tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ]龙卷风 6 rip [rɪp]撕裂 7 catastrophic [ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk]灾难性的 8 swath [swɑθ]长条;长带 9 Arkansas [ˈɑrkənˌsɑ]阿肯色州 10 Kentucky [kənˈtʌki]肯塔基州 11 toll [toʊl]伤亡人数 12 sift through [sɪft θruː]仔细查看 周邦琴Albert ●没有名牌大学背景,没有英语专业背景 ●没有国外留学经历,没有英语生活环境 ●22岁成为500强公司英文讲师,录音素材全球员工使用 ●自学成为同声传译,25岁为瑞士总统翻译