

2021-05-09    09'00''

主播: Albert英语研习社

284 2

Chibi Maruko-chan, known as “Ying Tao Xiao Wan Zi” or “Little Cherry Maruko” in Chinese, gained international fame after the original manga comics were adapted into a popular anime series shown in various regions worldwide including China, Vietnam and North America. The programme was first released in 1990 and has been repeatedly broadcast since then, accompanying Chinese millennials through their childhoods. 周邦琴Albert ●没有名牌大学背景,没有英语专业背景 ●没有国外留学经历,没有英语生活环境 ●22岁成为500强公司英文讲师,录音素材全球员工使用 ●自学成为同声传译,25岁为瑞士总统翻译