

2018-06-24    06'03''

主播: 围炉夜读

621 6

From BBC, Most of us conform in the workplace. The people act like sheep, rather than showing them our true colors. 在工作中,人们大多都会随大流,像在羊群中一样,而不是展示自己真实的闪光点。 When we conform we feel accepted and obviously that’s a good feeling. 当我们随波逐流,被他人接受的感觉显然让我们感觉很舒服。 But conformity leads to boredom in our life and at the very end it leads to disengagement. 但随波逐流也会使生活枯燥乏味,甚至最终会导致脱离和疏远。 If you want to be a rebel talent, one of the things that you could do is do the unexpected. 而如果你想拥有逆流而动的能力,你可以尝试的一个方法,就是做些意料之外的事。 Chef Massimo Bottura, the first thing that he does when he shows up at the restaurant is to put on his chef's coat and go outside with a broom and clean the street. 主厨 Massimo Bottura到饭店后做的第一件事是穿上他的厨师服,拿起扫帚去打扫外面的街道。 And you were looking at this guy as he does that and you wonder why is it that he’s doing it and you also wonder why is it that you are not doing it. 你会看着他想,这人到底为什么要这么做?同时,也会想为什么自己没有这么做。 So his behavior is contagious and he’s clearly modeling how it’s okay to take on tasks that others don't expect of us. 他的做法很有感染力,也示范了,如何去承担那些他人并不期待我们完成的任务。 And when we do so we are gaining a lot of respect from others. 当我们这样做之后,会赢得他人更多的尊重。 One of the things that rebels do very naturally is to let their curiosity shine everything that they do. 有反叛精神的人还会自然而然地将自己的好奇心用在他们做的任何事上。 Another way in which we can embrace and use our rebel talent it’s bring a broader perspective into what we do. 发挥反叛精神的另一个方法是,用一种更宽广的视角来看待我们在做的事。 We seem to have the wrong ideas about rebels. Rebels are not the people who are the troublemakers. 以前我们对“反叛者”的看法似乎是错误的。有反叛精神的人并不是惹是生非的麻烦角色。 When we rebel we find a lot of enjoyment in work, in play, and also in our interactions with others. 当我们拥有反判精神,我们会在工作、玩乐、甚至和身边人的互动中找到很多乐趣。