

2021-06-24    04'49''

主播: 中部号角

174 2

作词:梁 霄 作曲:焦现信 演唱:姚佳楠、刘寰宇 沙葱花 Allium Flowers 我是沙葱花 I am one of the Allium flowers 生长在寂寞的朱日和 growing lonely in the Zhurihe 无惧风沙烈 not afraid of the heavy sandstorm 为大漠添绿色 adding green to the desert 我是沙葱花 I am one of the Allium flowers 绽放在辽阔的朱日和 blooming on the vast Zhurihe 出没硝烟里 present in the smoke 为沙场添血色 adding blood-red colour to the battlefield 一片片 This flowers 一朵朵 piece by piece 扎根在北疆 take root in the northern borderland 迎风还欢乐 waving joyfully in the wind 这热烈的一簇花 This blossomy flowers 是战士用青春写的歌 is a song written by soldiers' youth 这燃烧的一团火 This raging fire 是战士用热血写的歌 is a song written by soldiers' blood 责任编辑:周勇