抗疫神曲《Fight The Virus》

抗疫神曲《Fight The Virus》

2020-03-14    03'07''

主播: 壹号行者

2456 23

抵抗病魔,不分国界。 新加坡音乐创作人Alvin得知疫情后,连续四十八小時不眠不休制作完成的改编歌曲。 Alvin Oon模仿演绎经典单曲《Sound of Silence》(《寂静之声》),翻唱成抗病毒之歌《Fight The Virus》,满满的正能量! 歌词大意: Hello virus from Wuhan Another problem's here again Because you see the contagion creeping And the virus is indeed spreading And the memory of SARS planted in my brain Still remains We stand and fight the virus 病毒来了 我们又有麻烦 你看这病毒在蔓延 该病毒的确在传播 SARS的记忆在仍我的脑海中 仍然存在 我们屹立不倒,与病毒作斗争 We hear of theories how it grew From snakes and bats became a flu Passing the sickness from man to man Now it's growing, getting out of hand It's a virus that has travelled near and far 我们知道了它是从何而来 从蛇和蝙蝠变成流感 再人传人 它在继续增长扩散,已经失控 这是一种四处传播的病毒 Corona We have to fight the virus 我们须与它作战 And in the latest news I saw Ten thousand people maybe more People falling sick with much coughing People falling ill with much sneezing People worried for their health and their ones so dear Pneumonia We keep the fight the virus 我在最新的新闻得知 近万人也许更多 许多人咳嗽 打喷嚏 人人担心他们的健康和他们的亲人 肺炎 我们持续与病毒作战 Keep your hand clean always know Hygiene will stop that virus grow When you sneeze cover with a tissue Even coughing just let me teach you Wear a mask if you're sick so that others won't get it too We count on you To help to fight the virus 请保持双手清洁始 请谨记: 卫生将阻止病毒的生长 当您打喷嚏时请用用纸巾遮挡 咳嗽时 生病时戴口罩 这样就不会传染给别人 与病毒作战 需要您的一份力量 Together we must overcome To beat this virus fight as one For a life of health and harmony It's in our hands it's up to you and me For the health of our land of our friends and family Humanity We will win this fight the virus 我们必须共同努力 打败这个病毒 为了健康,和谐的生活 这些需要你我他的共同努力 为了我们的家人、朋友健康 人类 将赢得这场病毒之战! 让我们一起细细读懂歌中真意, 并将Alvin的善意传递下去! 我们,不是一个人 一个城市、一个国家在战斗! 更多精彩资源,请关注“中考英语”公众号