

2016-05-02    11'35''

主播: FM1891925

611 18

Thanks to Plern&Amber! 所有资料由Plern&Amber本人提供,Plern&Amber花了好多精力在做这篇FM~转发请标明哦~ 1.Diet - The most important part of weight loss/fat loss is diet. But never decrease protein intake when dieting because that’s one macronutrient you should never reduce. Elevating protein intake has been shown to maintain lean-body mass during weight loss for all types of body. *Aim for about 1 gram of high quality protein per pound of body weight, daily. For an example, 125-pound female, this equal to 125 grams of protein.* Protein rich foods such as chicken breast, beef fillet steak, lamb steak, lobster, soy bean, salmon, etc. The carbs you consume should be especially high in finer, so think about oats, brown rice, wheat bran, fruits, and vegetables. Vegetables in particular should become a staple at all meals because they’re especially fibre-rich, which will keep you full, but low in calories, which will keep you in your desired deficit. Some of the best foods you can eat while focusing on losing few pounds of fat are nonstarchy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. Starchy vegetables like potatoes, peas, and corn are lower in fiber and higher in calories. Because fibrous carbs take longer to digest than non fibrous(starchy carbs). MORE PROTEIN, FEWER CARBS. 2.Excercise - Cardio -No matter what type of exercise you are doing daily but keep in mind that the more efficiently you perform a cardio session, the less effectively it burns calories. For example, if your session feels easy, that means your body has adapted to it, and it requires less energy. So whatever routine you do, you can bring some change in it, for example, if you go running everyday, you can change to cycling because it’s important to do what your body isn’t used to. Weight lifting - Same method, you need to change what you do for instance, if you lift heavy with fewer reps, switch it up, and go with lighter weights and higher reps. 3.Sleep - The quality of your sleep directly affects the quality of your waking life, including your productivity, emotional balance, creativity, physical vitality, and even your weight. No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort! Quality sleep is important for metabolic and endocrine function, and research shows that not getting enough of it may be a contributing factor to obesity and diabetes. For adults appropriate sleeping time is about 7-9 hours a night to function at their best. lack of enough sleep can cause possible weight gain. 4.Drinking enough water - can help flush away the toxins in your body. 5.Detoxification - is one of the method that may help you through the process of losing weight. One of the best detox methods to boost weight loss, 2 litres of water, 1 medium cucumber, 1 lemon, 10-12 mint leaves, steep over night in the fridge, and drink it everyday. ------------------ Soamsuda Chandra