Ode to Joy (Huan Le Song) is a 2016 chick-flick c-drama with a cast ensemble which include Liu Tao, Wangkai, Jiangxin,Zufeng and more. It is a TV adaption based on a novel of the same name. The series tells the story of the friendship of five women who live on the same floor in Huan Le Song, an apartment building in Shanghai. Ode to Joy focuses on the characters’ separate love, lives, careers, and families, and unites them through their shared home.
chick-flick c-drama
cast ensemble 全明星阵容
adaption based on a novel of the same name 同名小说改编
series 电视剧
The Characters 5个灵魂人物
1. 樊胜美(演员 蒋欣)30岁
Fan Sheng Mei is the big sister and protector of Apartment #2202. Experienced and tactful, she is adept at telling people the truth while still being supportive; her advice is usually spot-on. That being said, Sheng Mei is not invincible even though she appears to be oozing with confidence and wisdom. Sheng Mei dreams of marrying rich so that she can have the lavish lifestyle she wants. Although, her perspective evolves over time.
tactful 圆滑的,机智的
adept 熟练的
spot on 恰到好处
invincible 无敌的
ooze 表现出来,透露出来
2.邱莹莹 (演员 杨紫)20岁
Yingying’s the most bubbly out of the five main characters, with a cheerful and talkative personality. She is straightforward and naive. Despite her friends’ warnings, she falls blindly in love with a financial excecutive in her company. This leads to a string of unfortunate events including the loss of her job.
bubbly 阳光微笑的
talkative 善于言谈的
straightforward 直截了当的
naive 天真的
3. 关雎尔,小名“关关”(演员 乔欣)20岁
Guan Guan is the youngest apartment-mate of Room 2202. She is career-focused, interning at a Fortune 500 company in hopes of gaining full employment there. She lacks in experience and she feels like she’s barely just getting by. However, her growing life experience broadens her horizon, leading to her self-questioning.
intern 实习
get by 勉强对付过去
horizon 视野,地平线
P.S. Sheng Mei , Yingying and Guan Guan share the same apartment( Room 2202)
三个人合租房间 2202
4. 安迪(演员 刘涛) 31,2201号房间
An Di, also known as Andy, moves from the US to Shanghai in search of her long-lost brother. Although she seems to be one of the calmest main characters, she often complicates things and struggles to maintain her composure when she is under emotional duress. Her experience at Huan Le Song challenges her beliefs about her identity, as she discovers to make meaningful connections with others.
calm 冷静的
composure 镇静自如
duress 胁迫,威胁
5. 曲筱绡 (演员 王子文) 房间号:2203
Qu Xiao Xiao was born in a Chinese nouveau riche family. She has just moved back to Shanghai from studying in the States. With a fearless, wild and carefree personality, she can easily get under your skin. She has a whole network of people to use for her advantage, Andy being no exception.
nouveau riche 暴发富
carefree 无忧无虑的
under your skin 很讨人烦