【day 43】You can't buy time你买不到时间

【day 43】You can't buy time你买不到时间

2021-11-27    02'08''

主播: 杨柳青青

88 0

1. You can't buy time. You can't grow time. You can't ask for time. You can only lose time. 你买不到时间,你也不能让时间变长,你更不能要求拥有更多时间,你只能任时间流逝。 2. So, stop killing time, because eventually that turns around and time will kill you. 所以不要消磨时间了,因为到最后,它会让你付出代价。 3. Time is the most valuable resource we have. I can save my money for later. I can't do that with my time. I can invest in more money. I can't do that with time. 时间是我们拥有的最珍贵的资源。我可以存钱,但是我存不了时间。我可以投资更多的钱,但是我无法投资更多的时间。 4. Keep fighting. Keep moving forward. Keep believing. Your dream is yours. Don't let anybody else stop you. 保持奋斗,保持前进,保持坚定的信念。你的梦想属于你,不要让任何人阻止你。