

2016-04-20    11'49''

主播: 以沫 132

749 165

他不是什么神秘男子 That's not a mystery guy. 230 他叫達蒙·塞爾瓦托 That's Damon Salvatore. 231 塞爾瓦托 和斯特凡一個姓 Salvatore, as in Stefan? 232 我和哥哥在一起了 I got the other brother. 233 希望你不要介意 Hope you don't mind. 234 對不起 姐妹們 我遲到了 Sorry I'm late, girls. 235 我剛才有點忙 I, uh, was busy. 好啦 我們從屈體分腿跳開始吧 All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler, 237 怎么樣 What do you say? 238 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 239 5 6 7 8 And 5, 6, 7, 8. 240 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 241 5 6 7 8 5, 6, 7, 8. 242 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 243 5 6 7 8 5, 6, 7, 8. 244 埃琳娜 親愛的 你今天還是旁觀吧 Elena, sweetie, why don't you just observe today? 245 好嗎 Ok? 246 接著來 從頭開始再做一遍 Keep going! Ok. Do it again from the top. 247 5 6 7 8 And 5, 6, 7, 8. 248 1 2 3 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 249 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 251 7 8 7, 8. 252 郁悶的小妞 Blue lady! 253 郁悶的小妞 Blue lady! 254 準備 上 Set, hut! Go! 255 加油 泰勒 包抄他 Come on, Tyler, cover it! 256 來吧 Let's do it. 257 接球 Get it. 258 列隊 Line up! 259 00:12:56,500 --> 00:12:59,000 我實在不想這么說 但這家伙的確很有技術 I hate to say it, but he's got skills. 260 我看得給他點顏色瞧瞧 I think he needs a buddy pass. 261 真的 Really? 262 他可不能就這么上場五分鐘 You don't get to walk on the field 263 就表現得像這球場的主人一樣 And act like you own the place after 5 minutes. 264 在這等著就行了 剩下的交給我了 Just hang one up there and I'll take care of the rest. 266 好 大家一起上 All right, let's huddle up. 267 列隊 Set, hut! 268 哥們 歡迎加入球隊 Welcome to the team,buddy. 269 死不了吧 塞爾瓦托 You gonna live, Salvatore? 270 回去吧 孩子 Walk it off, son. 271 都是我不好 Hey. That was my bad. 272 沒關系 It's all right. 273 好的 All right. 274 選拔考試怎么樣 How were tryouts? 275 你入選球隊了嗎 Did you make the team? 276 你袒露內心的方式就像愛默生寫詩一樣 Very Emerson, the way you reveal your soul with so many.. 277 非要用這么多形容詞 Adjectives. 278 你來干嘛 What are you doing here? 279 我是來道歉的 6/17页 我最近一直在思考 I've been doing some thinking, 281 我進行了深刻的自我反省 Some soul searching,and... 282 我想和你重新來過 I want us to start over. 283 我們得忘掉過去 We need to put the past behind us. 284 你終究是我弟弟 You're my little brother, 285 如果你想過人類那種 And if you want to live 286 平凡快樂的生活 A normal, happy human life, 287 那我希望你如愿以償 Then I want that for you. 288 也許我也可以過這種生活 Maybe I can do it, too. 289 這樣我就能學著做一個 That I can learn to be a non-living 290 沒有生命的大活人 Living person. 291 也許我們都還有希望 Maybe there's hope for both of us. 292 沒必要非得這樣 達蒙 You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon. 293 當然沒必要 我今天看見埃琳娜了 "BTW" I saw Elena today, BTW. 295 意思是"順便說一句" That means "by the way." 296 她在進行啦啦隊訓練 She was at cheerleading practice. 297 她穿短褲的樣子真是神采飛揚 She looked so perky in her little short shorts. 298 放心 我根本沒靠近她 Simmer down, I didn't even go near her. 299 我已經泡到屬于我自己的啦啦隊員了 I've got my own cheerleader now. 300 這道提醒我了 Ooh, that reminds me... 301 我得走了 我有個約會 I gotta run. I have a date. 302 甜蜜的小手 Sweaty palms. 303 祝我好運 Wish me luck. 304 那你來解釋一下 You explain it. 305 昨晚我在看90頻道 Last night, I'm watching nine-o, 306 一個廣告插播進來了 我當時就覺得 A commercial breaks come on and I'm like, 307 肯定那是那個電話廣告 結果還真是 I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, It's that guy and the girl with the bench, 309 他飛去巴黎然后又飛回來 He flies to Paris and he flies back. 310 -他們照了張像 -拜托 - They take a picture. - Oh, come on. 311 那廣告一直不停的循環播放 That commercial's on a constant loop. 312 好吧 Fine. 313 那這個又怎么解釋 Well, how about this? 314 今天我被數字困擾了 Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 315 我一直看見三個數字 8 14 22 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. 316 夠詭異吧 How weird is that? 317 也許我們該去買樂透 Maybe we should play the lottery. 318 你告訴你祖母了嗎 Have you talked to your grams? 319 她肯定會說 這是因為我是個女巫 She's just gonna say it's because I'm a witch. 320 我不想當什么女巫 你想嗎 I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch? 321 我不想當女巫 I don't want to be a witch. 322 7/17页 And putting it in a nice bowl 323 可不能掩飾什么 Isn't fooling anybody. 324 好吧 我要大湯匙 Ok, serving spoons. 325 大湯匙哪去了 Where are the serving spoons? 326 在你左手邊的小抽屜 Little drawer on your left. 327 這不奇怪 你都來過這個廚房無數次了 Ok, so you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times. 328 好吧 就算是吧 Yeah, that's it. 329 好吧 他來了 Ok, he's here. 330 別緊張 只要做回平常可愛的自己就好 Don't be nervous. Just be your normal loving self. 331 生日蠟燭 Birthday candles. 332 泰納今天為難你了嗎 Did Tanner give you a hard time today? 333 沒有 他讓我加入了球隊 Well, he let me on the team, 334 所以我肯定做了什么對的事情 So I must have done something right. 335 邦妮 你今天真該看看斯特凡的表現 Bonnie, you should have seen Stafen today. 泰勒用球砸他 然后 Tyler threw a ball right at him, and... 337 是的 我聽說了 Yeah, I heard. 338 跟斯特凡說說你的家庭吧 Why don't you tell Stefan about your family? 339 父母離異 母親走了 我跟父親住一起 Um, divorced. No mom. Live with my dad. 340 不 說說女巫的事 No, about the witches. 341 邦妮的家族有女巫的血統 Bonnie's family has a lineage of witches. 342 太酷了 It's really cool. 343 我不認為這很酷 Cool isn't the word I'd use. 344 好吧 但這一定很有趣 Well, it's certainly interesting. 345 關于女巫 我知道的不多 I'm not too versed, 346 我只知道有一段歷史 But I do know that there's 347 是關于凱特爾德魯伊教徒的 A history of Celtic Druids 348 他們19世紀移民到了這里 That migrated here in the 1800s. 349 我的家族起源于塞勒姆 My family came by way of Salem. 350 351 塞勒姆女巫 Salem witches? 352 是的 Yeah. 353 我認為這真的很酷 I would say that's pretty cool. 354 是嗎 為什么 Really? Why? 355 塞勒姆女巫非常有英雄氣概 Salem witches are heroic examples 356 信奉個人主義 Of individualism 357 且不愿受到約束 And nonconformity. 358 是的 他們確實 Yeah, they are. 359 會是誰呢 I wonder who that could be. 360 驚喜 Surprise! 361 邦妮說你在做晚餐 Bonnie said you were doing dinner, 362 所以我們帶了甜品 So we brought dessert. 363 希望你不會介意 Oh. Hope you don't mind. 364 你來這里干什么 What are you doing here? 365 等著埃琳娜邀請我進去 Waiting for Elena to invite me in. 366 -是啊 你可以... -不 不 不 8/17页 367 他不能... He can't, uh... 368 他不能留下 He can't stay. 369 是吧 達蒙 Can you, Damon? 370 進來吧 Get in here. 371 我們快要吃完了 We're just...finishing up. 372 沒關系 進來吧 It's fine. Just come on in. 373 你家真漂亮 埃琳娜 You have a beautiful home, Elena. 374 謝謝 Thank you. 375 真不敢相信泰納先生居然讓你加入了球隊 I can not believe that Mr Tanner let you in the team. 376 泰勒真可憐 Ah,Tyler must be seely. 377 但對你來說是個好機會 加油吧 But good for you. Go for it. 378 我總是那樣跟他說 你必須要去爭取 That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. 379 而不能只是坐等幸福來敲門 You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. 380 你要主動去爭取 You have to go get it. 381 Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. 382 只是因為你錯過了夏令營 It's only because you missed summer camp. 383 天啊 我不知道你什么時候 God, I don't know how you're ever 384 才能學會那套動作 Going to learn the routines. 385 我會教她 她很快就能學會的 I'll work with her. She'll get it. 386 我想可以把她放在隊伍后面 I guess we can put her in the back. 387 你知道嗎 你看起來不像 You know, you don't seem like 388 會加入拉拉隊員的人 埃琳娜 The cheerleader type, Elena. 389 那是因為她的父母剛過世 Oh, it's just 'cause her parents died. 390 是的 我是說 她正在 Yeah, I mean, she's just 391 經歷一段難熬的時期 Totally going through a blah phase. 392 她曾經是那樣的快樂 She used to be way more fun. 393 看來這個話題太敏感了 And I say that with complete sensitivity. 394 我很抱歉 埃琳娜 I'm sorry, Elena. 395 我明白失去雙親的感覺 parents. 396 事實上 斯特凡和我見證了 In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person 397 我們在乎的每一個人的死亡 We've ever cared about die. 398 你沒必要現在提起這個 達蒙 We don't need to get into that right now, Damon. 399 斯特 你是對的 我很抱歉 Oh, you know what, you're right, Stef. I'm sorry. 400 我最不想做的事就是提到她 The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up. 401 別這樣 Don't do that. 402 我在工作 Not while I'm working. 403 回頭見 I'll see you later. 404 我很快回來 I'll be right back. 405 她是我姐姐 我愛她 She's my sister and I love her, 406 但有時候她真的會讓你覺得樂意為她效勞 But sometimes she can really make you work for it. 407 我覺得那太容易了 I find it pretty easy. 408 9/17页 All right, I get it. 409 故意撞我來引起她注意 那... Hitting me to impress her. That's... 410 那真的很好 That's real nice. 411 我不需要引起她注意 I don't need to impress her. 412 我已經贏了 I already won. 413 -你死定了 -是嗎 看起來像是 - Now you're dead. - Am I? 'Cause it seems like 414 我正站在這等你展示下男人的雄風 I'm standing here waiting for you to man up. 415 泰 別 Ty, don't! 416 等下次我見到你 你就死定了 吉爾伯特 The next time I see you, Gilbert... 417 不 等下次我見到你 你就死定了 No, next time I see you. 418 看你干了什么好事 薇姬 What are you doing, Vick? 419 再來一杯 One more. 420 謝謝 Oh, thank you. 421 太及時了 Nice save. 422 我喜歡你 I like you. 423 你知道怎么笑 You know how to laugh. 424 And you make Stefan smile, 425 我已經很久沒見他笑過了 Which is something I haven't seen in a very long time. 426 很久前 你說的是凱瑟琳嗎 Earlier, did you mean... Katherine? 427 沒錯 Mm-hmm. 428 她怎么死的 How did she die? 429 一場火災 那是個悲劇 In a fire. Tragic fire. 430 最近嗎 Recently? 431 對我來說恍若昨日 Well, it seems like it was yesterday. 432 她是個怎樣的人 What was she like? 433 她很漂亮 She was beautiful. 434 這方面 你們很像 A lot like you in that department. 435 她只是很令人捉摸不透 She was just very complicated 436 自私 有時候不是很友善 And selfish and at times not very kind, 437 但非常性感和魅力十足 But very sexy and seductive. 438 你們倆誰先和她約會 So which one of you dated her first? 推理能力不錯 Nicely deduced. 440 去問斯特凡吧 Ask Stefan. 441 他的回答肯定跟我相反 I'm sure his answer differs from mine. 442 如果我是你 我會退出啦啦隊 I'd quit cheerleading if I were you. 443 為什么這么說 Why do you say that?