

2016-04-21    07'17''

主播: 以沫 132

853 162

我不知道 I don't know what game 656 你想要和斯特凡玩什么游戲 You're trying to play with Stefan here, 但我不想成為游戲的一部分 But I don't want to be part of it. 658 我不知道過去發生了什么 And I don't know what happened in the past, 659 但我想你得搞清楚 But let's get one thing straight-- 660 我不是凱瑟琳 I am not katherine. 661 你能參加比賽嗎 You gonna be able to play? 662 是的 我沒事 Oh, yeah, I'm good. 663 剛剛你幫了杰里米 Uh, what you did back there... 664 你已經取得他的信任了 You had Jeremy's back. 665 他個愛熱惹麻煩的孩子 Ah, he's a messed-up kid. 666 需要有人看著他 Somebody's gotta look out for him. 667 我知道 I know. 668 這星期的訓練課上我太渾球了 This week at practice I was a dick. 669 你有你的理由 Had your reasons. 670 沒理由那么做 No excuse. 671 祝你今晚好運 Good luck tonight. 672 We're lucky to have you. 673 多美好的畫面啊 Isn't that nice? 674 斯特凡加入了球隊 交上了朋友 Stefan joins a team, makes a friend. 675 整個球場 "加油 萬歲" 的歡呼聲 It's all so, "Rah, rah, go team, yeah!" 676 今晚我沒空理你 Not tonight. 677 我已經跟你沒話說了 I'm done with you. 678 在埃琳娜身上動了點手腳 不錯 Nice trick with Elena. 679 讓我猜猜 是項鏈里的馬鞭草 Let me guess -- vervain in the necklace? 680 我承認 我的確有些驚訝 I admit, I was a bit surprised. 681 已經很久沒人能抵御我的"強迫命令"了 It's been a while since anyone could resist my compulsion. 682 你從哪得到的 Where'd you get it? 683 這有關系嗎 Does it matter? 684 也許我可以用傳統手段讓她上鉤 Guess I could just seduce her the old-fashioned way. 685 或者 干脆把她吃掉 Or I could just... eat her. 686 不可能 No. 687 達蒙 你不會傷害她的 You're not gonna hurt her, Damon. 688 不會嗎 No? 689 因為在你內心的深處的一個地方 Because deep down inside, 690 深藏著一份情感 There is a part of you 691 一份對她的情感 That feels for her. 692 我過去很擔心 I was worried that you had no humanity 693 怕你會喪盡人性 Left inside of you, 694 怕你最終真的會成為 That you may have actually become the monster 695 那個你長期佯裝的惡魔 That you pretend to be. 696 -誰在裝 -那么殺了我吧 - Who's pretending? - Then kill me. 697 別說 我還真想過 Well, I'm-- I'm tempted. 698 不 你沒有 No, you're not. 699 如果你想 你早就把我了結了 You've had lifetimes to do it, 700 看看現在 我還活生生地站在這里 And yet, here I am. I'm still alive. 16 701 你不也在這里嗎 And there you are. 702 已經過去145年了 You're still haunting me. 703 你還死纏著我不放 After 145 years. 704 凱瑟琳死了 Katherine is dead. 705 你因此而狠我 And you hate me 706 因為你愛過她 Because you loved her, 707 你折磨我 因為你依然愛著她 And you torture me because you still do. 708 而這份感情 我親愛的哥哥 And that, my brother, 709 就是你的人性 Is your humanity. 710 塞爾瓦托 Salvatore! 711 干什么呢 比賽就快開始了 What the hell? We've got a game to play! 712 如果那是我的人性 If that's my humanity... 713 那這是什么 Then what's this? 714 噢 不 Aah! no! 715 16/17页 任何人 任何時候 任何地點 Anyone, anytime, any place. 716 泰納失蹤了 我想他可能喝多了 Tanner's m.i.a. I think he had a little bit too much beer. 717 現在別和我說話 好嗎 我很生氣 Don't talk to me right now, all right? I'm pissed at you. 718 -你這是怎么了 -我怎么... - What's your problem? - What's my-- 719 問問你自己 好嗎 You're my problem, all right? 720 你是個流氓 You're a bully. 721 一個幼稚之極的惡棍 A freakin' 12-year-old bully, man. 722 我受夠了 And I'm sick of it. 723 看看你今晚都做了些什么 I mean, what was that about tonight? 724 你打那個新來的能證明什么 What's beating up the new guy going to prove? 725 亂搞我妹妹能證明什么 Or screwing with my sister 726 打我女朋友的弟弟又能證明什么 Or pummeling my girlfriend's kid brother. 727 女朋友 聽著 我都不知道還能給你說些什么 Girlfriend? Look, I don't know how to tell you this, 728 人家早把你甩了 But she dumped your ass. 729 來真的嗎 你想打我 Are you for real?! You want to hit me? 730 我在你的球隊里 I'm on your team. 731 即使是你 This was over the line. 732 這些做法也太過分了 Even for you. 733 來人啊 Somebody help! 734 我找你 不只單純因為毒品 It wasn't just for the drugs. 735 是什么動物有這么大的本事 What kind of animal could be doing all this? 736 為什么他們要跑出森林 Why would it come out of the woods 737 來鎮中心襲擊人類 And attack someone in the middle of town? 738 我不知道 I don't know. 739 我不知道 I don't know. 740 我確定你把手割破了 I was so sure that you cut your hand. 741 我親眼所見 I saw it. 742 我沒事 沒事的 好嗎 I'm fine. I'm fine,ok? 17 743 我們都很好 We're fine. 744 這才是最重要的 That's what matters. 745 我原本希望 I thought there was hope 746 在達蒙內心的深處 That somewhere deep inside, 747 依然有人性存在 Something in Damon was still human, 748 正常的 Normal. 749 但是我錯了 But I was wrong. 750 達蒙早已沒有了人性 There's nothing human left in Damon. 751 毫無優點 善心不在 No good, no kindness. 752 愛也當然無存 No love. 753 他只是一個 Only a monster 754 需要被阻止的惡魔 Who must be stopped.