

2016-04-25    09'01''

主播: 以沫 132

606 141

卡罗琳 你这辈子什么时候 Caroline Forbes, when have you 守住过一个秘密了 ever kept a secreat in your life 好 Ok. 但是你不能跟埃琳娜讲 But you can't tell Elena. 不会的 No. 你拿什么来讨好我 So what you gonna buy me? 几节课 Ugh, some class. 你父母都走了 我想你现在能跟我亲近了 Oh, your parents are gone. I guess you can be close now. 你说这话什么意思 What the hell does that mean? 你待我如粪土 我已经厌倦了 You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it. 我没把你当粪土 I don't think you're trash. 是吗 那你要带谁 Really? Then who are you taking 去参加创始者聚会 To the founder's party? 薇姬·多诺万 Vicki Donovan. 你想我邀请你去创始者聚会吗 Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party? 不想 No. 这样好傻好差劲 It'll be stupid and lame. 这倒是 True. 但如果你要去就不会那么傻那么差劲了 But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there. 你了解你得要求他来邀请你 对吗 You realize you had to ask him to ask you, right? 你认为你穿得像个 You figure if you dress up like 高雅得体的年轻女士 A respectable young lady, 他最终就会像个人样的待你吗 He'll finally treat you like one? 去你的吧 杰里米 Screw you, Jeremy. 你知道你在犯错 You know you're making the wrong choice, 你还是义无反顾地去做 Yet you make it anyway. 好可悲 It's sad. 我不知道你在这儿 I didn't know you were here. 只是来检查下斯特凡的作业 Just going through Stefan's homework. 孩子 这个国家在这几百年的时间里 Boy, this country sure has dumbed down 都变得不那么复杂了 I n at last hundred years. 他为什么要去高中还是让我很迷惑 Why he wants to go to high school is beyond me. 我的意思是 七十年代 他去常春藤盟校 I mean, in the seventies, he went ivy league. 去哈佛 我能理解 Harvard, I understood. 事实上 不 我也不理解那个 Actually, no. I didn't get that either. 算了 不想这个了 Go ahead, purge. 放松点 你想什么呢 Get it out. what's on your mind? 你来这儿干什么 达蒙 Why are you here, damon? 来跟你作个伴啊 扎克 To spend time with you, Zach. 家庭很重要 Family's important. 我了解你 I know you. 你总是有个目的的 You always have a motive. 那么告诉我 这次是为了什么 So tell me, what is it this time? 你没资格来提问我 You are in no position to question me. 我不是故意惹你心烦的 I didn't mean to upset you. 这不是心烦 扎克 This is not upset, Zach. 怎么了 What's going on? 享受家人时刻 斯特凡 Having a family moment, Stefan. 过珍贵的时间 Spending some quality time. 你还好吗 Hey, are you ok? 不 我不好 No, I'm not. 你也一样 And neither are you. 在你看到这个之前还有多少人会丧生 How many more people have to die before you see that? 我看到了 好吗 扎克 我看到了 I see it. all right, Zach, I see it. 那你为什么不做点什么 Then why aren't you doing anything about it? 我不能 扎克 I can't, Zach. 我做不到 I can't. 得喝人类的血 It would take human blood. 这是我唯一的办法 It's the only way that I could 去阻止他 可我不能那么做 stop him, and I can't do that 马鞭草可能让他变弱 The vervain could weaken him 只要他能吃下 If he ingested it. 它会帮助你占上风 It would help get you the upper hand. 自从 年起这儿就不长马鞭草了 Vervain hasn't grown here since . 达蒙注意到了 Damon saw to that. 我有的那点 我都给埃琳娜了 The little I had, I gave to Elena. 怎么了 What? 你早就在种植马鞭草了 You've been growing it. 这只是一代代 It's just something that's been 传下来的东西 Passed down in generations 只有当你跟吸血鬼扯上关系 Blood only runs so deep 才会有如此代代紧密的家族 When you're related to vampires. 如果让达蒙知道我有这些他会杀了我的 Damon would kill me if he knew that I had it. 可你现在告诉我 But you're telling me. 为什么 Why? 因为我信任你 Because I trust you. 而且你要想摆脱他就得需要这个 And you're gonna need it if you want to get rid of him. 我是为我妈妈来的 我该来 I'm here for my mom. / 页 . I was supposed 取一个盒子 to pick up a box 在这儿了 Right here. 一定小心 Please be careful. 盯着点 小子 Yeah, careful with it, dick. 现在别来 好吗 小伙子们 Hey! Not now, ok, guys? Please? 我没事 他在耍流氓而已 I'm fine. He's just being a punk. -你才是个流氓 -泰勒 - I got your punk. - Look, Tyler, 或许你该走了 Maybe you should go. Tell your 告诉你妈妈晚上见 Mom that I'll see you tonight. 如果我告诉你我是真心 Would it make a difference 喜欢薇姬会让你改变态度吗 If i told you I actually like Vicki? 就算是真 也没用 Not even if you meant it. 要扮娇嫩的小花还是顽劣的刁妇 Delicate flower vs. naughty vixen. 很难抉择 都来点如何 Tough call. Can we mix them? 看看你 完全准备好你的约会了 Look at you, getting all pretty for your date. 你看上去很开心嘛 You seem happy-ish. 我是...那什么 I am...ish. 今晚将是个不错的夜晚 Tonight's going to be a good night. 但不要让这妨碍你 But don't let that stop you 告诉我任何事 From telling me whatever it is 当你一走进屋子时 You wanted to tell me as soon 就想告诉我的那些 As you walked in the door. 我明早再告诉你如何 What if i tell you in the morning? 我不想毁了这个晚上 I don't want to ruin the night. 邦妮 说出来 Bonnie, out with it. 好 但你得守死秘密 Ok, but it has to go in the vault, 因为一旦牵扯到卡罗琳为之疯狂的 Because Caroline will kill me 达蒙身上她会杀了我的 If it gets back to Damon that she squealed. 清楚的是斯特凡的过去有个很有趣的故事 Apparently Stefan has a very interesting back story. 你知道他的前女友凯瑟琳 Do you know what happened 发生了什么吗 With his ex-girlfriend Katherine? 我知道他们哥俩都跟她交往过 I know that they both dated her 这也是为什么他们不和 And that's why they have issues. 是啊 他们都跟她交往过 只是她选了达蒙 Yeah, they both dated her, only she chose Damon. 他干过些坏事 把斯特凡气疯了 And that drove Stefan mad, he did horrible things 他试图破坏他们的关系 To try and break them up. 他操控了凯瑟琳 He manipulated Katherine. 他不断用谎言给她洗脑 直到最终 He filled her head with all these lies until finally 起了作用 她和达蒙翻了脸 It worked, and she turned against Damon. 这故事听起来完全 That sounds like one person's side of the story, 偏向达蒙这一边 Meaning Damon's. 我只想你知道 I just wanted you to know. 总之 他过去的感情 Anyway, his past relationships 和我毫无关系 Are none of my busine / 页 ss. 但若他是个工于心计善于操纵别人的骗子 Unless he's a calculating, manipulative liar. 那就和你有关了 That is your business. 斯特凡绝不会这么做的 Stefan is none of those things. 是吗 你怎么知道 Yeah? How do you know? 他们还是拿领带配正装吗 Do they still wear ties at this thing? 你为什么要去 Why are you even going? 一点都不相称 It's only fitting. 还记得吗 我们曾经可是独领风骚 We were at the very first one, remember? 我想如果我们低调些 I think it's better 会比较好 If we don't draw attention to ourselves. 所以你该呆在这里 So you should stay here. 我有责任让埃琳娜玩的开心 I'll see to it Elena has a good time. 我的天 我竟然让你喝酒了 My goodness, I've driven you to drink. 无法使自己摆脱你 Can't seem to rid myself of you. 我还能怎样 What else am I supposed to do, 除了过自己的生活 Besides go about living my life? 那就过我的生活 Go about living my life. 瞧 你又在那做永恒的挣扎了 See, therein lies your eternal struggle. 你死定了 哥们 You're dead, dude. 算了吧 Get over it. 看起来怎么样 What do you think? 喂 Hello? 你好 洛克伍德夫人 Hi, Mrs. Lockwood. 你这话什么意思 真的吗 What do you mean? It is? 你确定吗 Are you sure? : : , --> : : , 因为我见过它 'Cause I saw it. 让我确定一下 Let me check. 我找到以后带来 I will find it and bring it. 好的 再见 Ok. Bye. 怎么了 What's wrong? 天哪 又怎么了 Ahh! God, what now? 怀表 在哪里 The pocket watch. Where is it? 什么表 What watch? 你从妈妈盒子里偷的那块 The one you stole from mom's box. 洛克伍德夫人刚刚打电话给我 很懊恼 Look, Mrs. Lockwood just called me, freaking out. 它登记在清单上的 杰里米 It was on the list, Jeremy. 她现在找不到了 And she can't find it 认为自己弄丢了 And she thinks she's the one who lost it. 也许真是她丢的 或者泰勒拿走了 Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it. 别和我耍花样 杰里米 是你拿的 Don't even play that card. Jeremy, You took it. 如果我上网 是不是会发现它在易趣上出售 If I go online, am I going to find it on ebay? 你是不是用卖表的钱去买了大麻 Is that how you pay for your pot? 去你的 Screw you. 我绝对不会把它卖了的 好不好 I would never sell this, ok? 那你为什么要拿走它 Then why did you take it? 因为它本来就是我的 Because it's supposed to be mine. 爸爸说过它属于头生子 Dad said it goes to the firstborn son. / 页 祖父把表传给了他 结果呢 His father gave it to him, and now what? 他原本是要传给你的 And he was going to give it to you. 是的 Yeah. 听着 杰里米 它依然属于你 好不好 Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, ok? 妈妈曾经对洛克伍德夫人保证过 Mom promised Mrs. Lockwood. 你要我怎么做呢 What do you want me to do? 拿走吧 然后出去 Just take it and get out. 不会变老真酷 It's cool not growing old. 我喜欢永远保持风流帅哥的模样 I like being the eternal stud. 是啊 成为个 岁的青少年 Yes, being a -year-old teenager 是我最大的乐趣了 Has been the height of my happiness. 你也会搞笑 斯特凡 You cracked a funny, Stefan. 我真应该喝一杯庆祝一下 I should have a drink to celebrate. 年 你和凯瑟琳真是天生一对 You and Katherine were the perfect couple. 看到你和她共舞真让我嫉妒 It was hell watching you dance with her. 如你所知 我的快乐很短暂 My happiness was short-lived, as you well know. 我记得 I remember. 我提早离开了聚会 痴痴的等着她 I left the party early, I was waiting for her. 你送她回家时 The night you dropped her off 我就在屋里傻傻的等着 I was waiting just inside. 你真是一个绅士 You were such a gentleman, 在她脸颊上吻了一下 Gave her a kiss on the cheek. 可她心里想要的却是... And what she really wanted was... 好了 Oh, well. 历史又重演了? Here's to history repeating itself, huh? 我欣赏你的努力 斯特凡 I admire your effort, Stefan. 自斟自饮 Pouring yourself a drink 还在酒里加了马鞭草 Then spiking the bottle with vervain. 我可不是爱酗酒的女生联谊会小妞 I'm not some drunk sorority chick. 你没法给我下药 You can't roofie me.