

2016-05-03    11'45''

主播: 以沫 132

969 139

结果却让我越发的想一探究竟 Which makes me want to know all the more. 什么意思 就像他是个连 Like what? Like that he's a serial killer 还在箱子里藏了件小丑服吗 And he keeps a clown suit in his trunk? 不 当然不是 No, of course not. 但是我们真正知道他些什么呢 But what do we know about him, really? 他橄榄球打的很棒 He's great at football. 有点孤僻 A little bit of a loner. 还有我最不愿意承认的 And as much as I hate saying it, 他也许是很不错的男人 He might be a nice guy. 所以你觉得是我太疑神疑鬼了吗 So you think I'm just being paranoid? 我觉得你该和他好好谈谈 I think you should talk to him. 和谁好好谈谈 Talk to who? 抱歉 我迟到了 I'm so sorry that I'm late. 发生什么事了 What happened? 我被耽搁了 I got held up. 一切都还好吗 Is everything ok? 我和叔叔有些事情 There was this thing with my uncle. 所以你连打个电话 And you couldn't call 都不行吗 And tell me that you were going to be an hour late? 好了 你们俩玩的开心点啊 Ok. You two have fun. 我真的很抱歉 I'm really sorry. 是件无法避免的事 It was unavoidable. 什么无法避免的事 What was unavoidable? 好吧 Ok. 埃琳娜 求你 Oh, uh, Elena, please... 不 斯特凡 你不明白吗 No, Stefan, don't you get it? 每个问题都答非所问而且模棱两可 Every question gets a vague non-answer. 你有什么可怕的事不能对我坦诚相告 What is so awful that you're afraid to tell me? 我认识你 I know you. 天哪 My god. -不好意思 -我认识你 怎么可能 - I'm sorry? - I know you. How can it be? 我想你认错人了 先生 I think you have the wrong person, sir. 你身上一点岁月的痕迹都没有 You haven't aged a day. 对不起 不好意思 I'm sorry. Excuse Me. 我送你回家好吗 Hey, can we-- can I take you home? 然后我们可以聊聊 怎么样 And we can talk about it? Is that ok? 等等 刚刚是什么状况 Wait, what was that? 我...我不知道 没什么 I--I don't know. uh, nothing. 好吧 没什么 我要走了 斯特凡 Right, nothing. Ok, um... I gotta go, Stefan. 劳驾 Excuse me. 我试了 我努力想让我们的关系走上正轨 I tried. I want so much to make things right, 但是身体里的每寸本能都在告诫我要谨慎 But every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful 告诫我那些隐藏的秘密会伤害到你 What you don't know can hurt you. 晚上好 警长 Evening, sheriff. 有什么进展吗 Anything? 我们搜查了湖的整个西面 We went over the entire west side of the lake. 所有山洞已被搜过 没有居住过的迹象 All the caverns by the falls were clean, No signs of habitat. 他们都住在城镇里 Well, they're staying in town. 我们连废旧的大楼和仓库也搜查了 We canvassed all abandoned buildings and warehouses. 那他们必是住在私人私宅里 There has to be a private residence. 就算有可能 也会更难锁定目标 And that much harder to locate, if not impossible. 这些生物很聪明 他们知道怎样掩藏踪迹 These creatures are smart. They know how to go undetected. 他们只在晚上出没 Well, someone who only comes out at night 最终会露出马脚的 Should eventually become obvious. -那个怀表怎么样 -我正在想办法 - What about the watch? - I'm working on it. 我了解吉尔伯特一家 I knew the Gilberts. 表是只传男不传女 That watch is passed down to the men in the family. 所以可以先从杰里米下手 I'd start with Jeremy. 真不敢相信你真的来了 I can't believe you really came. 你只有一小时 不要浪费时间 You have an hour. Make it count. 你还好吗 You ok? 薇姬在你房里吗 Is Vicki in there? 不要用问题回答问题 Don't answer a question with another question. 或许吧 你怎么了 Maybe. What's wrong with you? 我感觉很不好 I'm miserable. 你该去吃点东西 Well, you should go get something to eat. 珍娜 Jenna? 珍娜 Jenna? 斯特凡 你在这里干什么 Stefan? What are you doing here? 做晚饭 Dinner. 杰里米告诉我你最爱帕尔马烤鸡 Jeremy told me that chicken parmesan is one of your favorites, 因为意大利血统 我刚好是很棒的厨师 And I happen to be a good cook. The Italian roots demand it. 我还可以做干酪 I can even make my own homemade mozzarella. 但今晚 我只能用超市买的 对不起 Only tonight, it is unfortunately Storboboht. Sorry. 我不明白你现在是想干嘛 I don't know what you're trying to accomplish. 你不是想要了解我吗 You want to know me, right? 我觉得你如果要把我甩了 Well, I figure if you're going 6/15页 to dump me, 起码也得知道你甩的是个怎样的人 You should at least, um, know who you're dumping. 所以我们从凯瑟琳开始吧 So let's start with Katherine. 斯特凡... Stefan... 当时她是我见过最漂亮的女孩 She was...the most beautiful girl that I had ever met. 她有着完美的橄榄色的肌肤 She had this perfect olive skin. 还有她的笑 非常夸张 And she had this laugh. It was ridiculous. 我是说 她的笑也能让你笑出来 她很风趣 I mean, her laugh made you laugh. And she was fun. 她知道怎么能享受生活 She knew how to have a good time. 但凯瑟琳非常缺乏耐心 又很有控制欲 But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled 自私 还很冲动 And selfish, and, um, and impulsive. 下面说说达蒙 Enter Damon. 他说他是她的初恋 我不确定 He claims that he was with her first.I don't know. 我只知道我当时...耍了阴招 I do know that I did some things that...I'm not proud of. 而我最大的遗憾 And my biggest regret... 就是没能在她生前将一切处理好 Is not being able to make it right before she died. 我怀念她 但没再因她的死而裹足不前 I miss her, but... I'm no longer crippled by her loss. 你为斯特凡做了一件好事 It was very nice what you did for Stefan. 非常浪漫 Very romantic. 我当时感觉很浪漫 Well, I was feeling romantic. 看我找到了什么 Look what I found. 埃琳娜· 吉尔伯特 "Elena Gilbert, 缓解疼痛感 每四到六个小时服一粒 "Take one tablet every to hours, as needed for pain." 那些是车祸之后剩下的止痛药 Those are left over from the car accident. 所以她不会想念它们的 So she won't miss them. 别 别用那个 那是个古董 No, not with that. That's an antique. 我觉得我们总是在吸毒 I feel like we're always getting high. 这就是有选择的好处 That's the beauty of choice. 那我们可以选择不吸 Well, then let's choose not to. 我是说 我们没必要一直 都那么亢奋 不是吗 I mean, we don't have to be high all the time, right? 我真的希望你不是那类男生 I really hope you're not one of those guys 一旦跟我在一起 就想方设法改变我的一切 Who, now that we're together, tries to change everything about me. 不会 No. 那就好 Good. 我是书虫 还是菲茨杰拉德的超级粉丝 I'm an avid reader, a huge Fitzgerald fan, 《了不起的盖茨比》 他的杰作 The great gatsby, his masterpiece. 不过我不是势利眼 But I'm no snob. 我喜欢一些格里斯汉姆的佳作 I love some good Grisham. 我觉得《宋飞传》是最棒的美剧 I think Seinfeld is the best American television show 就过去的半世纪而言 For the past years, 不过《我爱露西》这部剧则是史上最棒 But I love Lucy is all-time. 我觉得《纪念杯》是最棒的一集 "The loving cup" episode was the best, I think. 西科塞斯的超级粉丝 Huge Scorsese fan. 7/15页 我能把《出租车司机》看了一遍又一遍 I can watch Taxi Driver over and over again. 我来吧 Here, let me. 至于喜欢的音乐 那就广了 As far as music, it's pretty much across the board. 迪伦 亨德里克斯 裴西 威利 Um, Dylan, Hendrix, Patsy, Willie. 肯伊 我连麦莉的有首歌都喜欢 Oh, kanye. you know what, I even like that one Miley song. 放松点 Easy. 我可什么都没说 I didn't say anything. 这是用来做蒜蓉面包的 对吗 Hey, this is for the Garlic Bread, right? 因为我是不会吃蒜的 Because I'm not eating garlic 除非你也吃 Unless you agree to, too. 开什么玩笑 我喜欢大蒜 Are you kidding? I love garlic. 你还好吗 You ok? Um... 还好 我想没事 Yeah. Think so. 你的脸... Your face... 我 I--I, uh, 我想是眼里进了点东西 I think I got something in my eye. 斯特凡 Stefan. 斯特凡 Stefan! 看来我疑神疑鬼的毛病 Um, I think that my paranoia 已经让我满是幻觉了 Has turned into full-blown hallucinations. 这也是你的魅力所在 Part of your charm. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 不 蒂基 别穿连体式的 行吗 No, Tiki, do not do the one-piece, ok? 我见过你穿上什么样 信我 I've seen it on you. Trust me. 今年你得做个风格大不相同的脱衣舞娘 Yeah, but you're going for stripper pole vibe this year. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 也许我们该把洗车的动作放慢 Yeah, maybe we should wash the cars in slow motion. 不 No. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 什么 不是 抱歉 What? Oh, um, no, sorry. 那我们明天见吧 Um, so I'll just see you tomorrow. 两件式的 好 拜 Two-piece. Ok, bye. 天啊 God! 我敢说你现在自我感觉非常好 对吗 I bet you're feeling pretty good about yourself, aren't you? 其实没有 Not particularly. 你赢了 You won. 你抓住坏人了 You got the bad guy. 现在什么都阻碍不了你和埃琳娜了 Now nothing could come between you and Elena. 除了真相 Except the truth. 谎言会让你作茧自缚的 斯特凡 The lies will catch up to you, Stefan. 只要你还在为自己的本质欺骗自己 As long as you keep lying to yourself about what you are. 你困在里面而我在铁栏外的好处 The beauty of you in there And me out here... 就是我可以走开 Is that I can walk away. 不打友情折扣 No friend discounts. 不发赠品 No freebies. 不接受赊账 No pay you laters. 我们不是在这做慈善 We are not running a charity here. 不 我们不是 No, we are not. 8/15页 这个活动可是叫"热辣洗车节" 你俩知道吧 The event is called sexy suds, you know. 我们刚刚是被批评了吗 Did we just get scolded? 还被品头论足了 没错 And judged, yeah. 不好意思 I'm sorry, 不过我想你得把这个脱了 But I guess you're going to have to take that off. 我想你得先脱 I think you have to go first. 好吧 Ok. 对不起 Ok, um--sorry, 太不性感了 So not sexy. 我可不同意 I disagree. 别 Uh-uh, no. 别弄得跟个多情怨妇一样 None of that tortured pining stuff. 我只是看看 I'm just observing. 蒂基 这辆归你洗 Tiki. This one's yours. 为什么我要洗的都是又丑又大的 Why do I always get the homely ones? 我得说清楚 你的车是个廉价货 Just to be clear, your car's a P.O.S. 我是说 我们能洗 可它还是个廉价货 I mean, we can wash it, but it's still a P.O.S. 你不用这么不礼貌吧 You don't have to be rude. 把这种破烂开上路 破坏公路形象才不礼貌 Rude is uglying up the road with that junk. 湿漉漉的野性啊 蒂基 Wet and wild, Tik. 所有收益将纳入学校的体育部 All proceeds are going to the school's athletic department 该部门还处于橄榄球教练威廉·泰纳 Still healing from the tragic death 不幸惨死的悲痛之中 Of their football coach william tanner. 神秘瀑布镇居民 The citizens of Mystic Falls 一致表达了对其一份子的缅怀之情 Coming together in support of one of their own. 停机 Cut it. 真棒 Classy. 谢谢夸奖 Thank you. 可你还得去 But you're still going to 去给那群穿比基尼的妞儿们录像 对吧 Video the girls in Bikinis, right? 我们53%的美国人看新闻不开声音 We, 53% of americans watch the news with the sound off. 谢谢你请吃晚餐 Thank you for dinner. 我过得很愉快 I had a nice time.