

2016-05-12    12'32''

主播: 以沫 132

2257 142

牙龈 下巴 my gums. my jaw hurts. 我的牙龈有东西长我的牙龈里 很疼 my gumthere's something in my gums, and it hurts. - 噢 - 别碰我 - ok,well - no. just leave me alone. 来吧 Vic 别这样 我们回家 come on,vic. don't be like that. let's get you home. 快停! just turn it off! 什么东西停? turn what off? 喋喋不休 唧唧歪歪 快关了 the talking, the chatter,just turn it off. ...场面惨烈 ...horribly. 这具尸体据传是因为毒品交易失败的结果 bodies were found dead in what is believed to be a drug deal gone awry. 尸体还没有被确认 the bodies have yet to be identified. 尸体是今早在神秘瀑布镇老墓地被发现的 they were discovered earlier today over at the old mystic falls cemetery. 我们昨晚就在那 that's where we were last night. 发生什么了 Vic? what happened,vic? ...谋杀 他们正在全力搜寻嫌疑人 ...homicide,and are fast under way looking for suspects. 警方正在盘问知情者... they're asking anyone with information... - 我去报警 - 不 别去 - i'm calling the cops. - no. don't. 昨晚我走后又发生什么了 Vick? what happened after i left last night, vick? Jeremy 你没事吧 i'm fine. 我很好 我很好 i'm fine. 该死 Vick damn,vick. 怎么了? what's going on? 她现在一团糟 she's really messed up. Elena 后退 elena,back up. Vicki 看着我 vicki,look at me. 集中精力 focus. 你不会有事的 you're gonna be fine. 一切都会好起来的 everything's gonna be fine. 把她扶到床上去 放下窗帘 她就没事了 来 guys,take her up to bed.shut the blinds. she's gonna be ok. come on. 去吧 come on. 你知道她发生什么事了? you know what's wrong with her? - 没错 - 怎么回事? - yep. - what is it? 她在转型(变形) she's transitioning. 变成什么? transitioning to what? 吸血鬼 a vampire. 什么? what? Damon肯定对她做了什么 还是新生儿 (刚被初拥) damon must have gotten to her. she's new. 她还没有完成转型过程 she hasn't completed her transformation yet. 她要怎么做? h-how does she do that? 她要靠吸人血维生 she has to feed on human blood. 如果她喝不上血呢? and what if she doesn't? 那便只有一死 she'll die. 她只有几小时的时间 she may only have a few hours. 她现在就跟他在楼上 she's upstairs with him right now. 没关系 她现在对自己的情况一无所知 it's ok. she doesn't know what's happening to her yet. 那她何时会知道? so when is she gonna know? 现在 她脑子一片空白 right now,she doesn't remember anything. 她体内仍然保留着人性 a part of her is still human, 但是逐渐 等到她变身后 but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, 记忆就会开始回来 the memories will start to come back, 到时她就不得不做出选择 and then she'll know she has to make the choice. 就像当初你做抉择一样? the same choice you made? 抱歉我带来了这么多麻烦 i'm sorry i'm so much trouble. 你只要...睡一觉就好 怎么样? aw,you justyou need to sleep it off,ok? 不行 no. Vick vick. Vick! vick! 她开始还好好的 后来就...抓狂了 she was fine, and then she just she just freaked out. 我要出去找她 一有消息就给我电话 i'm gonna go look for her.call me if you hear anything. 我能追踪到她 i can track her. 去吧 go. 嗯 yeah. 我觉得我找到线索了 i think i got something. 是指向古墓方向的 it's pointing towards the old cemetery. 你先过去 headed your way. 也许我们应该联系下Matt maybe we should check in with matt. 他找到她后就会通知我们 he'll call when he finds her. 那我们要做些什么呢? well,what are we supposed to do? 等 我们要做的就是等待 we wait. we're supposed to wait. 我不知道她是怎么了 i don't know what's wrong with her. 她会好起来的 都会好起来的 she'll be fine.it'll all be fine. Jeremy 上楼去 jeremy,go upstairs. 你害怕我 you're afraid of me. 我要大胆地猜一下 i'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess. Stefan终于还是承认了 stefan finally fessed up. 别靠近我 stay away from me. 别这么凶嘛 我只是来找Stefan的 hey,there's no need to be rude.i'm just looking for stefan. 我能进来吗? 等灯 我当然能进去了 may i come in?oh,wait. of course i can. 我曾被邀请进来 i've been invited. 我们可以开门见山 我现在不会杀你 we can cut to the chase if you want. 不然就会坏了我的大计 i'm not gonna kill you right now. that wouldn't serve my greater agenda. 我说...Stefan在哪里? so... where's stefan? 她出去找Vicki了 he's out looking for vicki. 别用你那双防备的小眼睛盯着我看 don't look at me with those judgey little eyes. 那丫头该要感谢我对她的恩情 girl's gonna thank me for what i did to her. 你谢过Katherine了吗? did you thank katherine? 看来整个事情你都知道了嘛? got the whole life story,huh? - 差不多了 - 我很怀疑 - i got enough. - oh,i doubt that. 告诉我弟弟我在找他 tell my brother i'm looking for him. 顺便给你个忠告 邀请人进屋可要小心了 oh,tip for later.be careful who you invite in the house. Vicki vicki. 我有点记起来了... i'm starting to remember things 他究竟是什么 他说了什么 what he is, what he said. 我记起你了 在医院里 在...在屋顶上 都想起来了 i remember you. the hospital, thethe rooftop, it's all coming back. 对不起 i'm so sorry. Damon没权利这么对你 damon had no right to do this to you. 他说我需要进食 he said that i need to feed. 如果我不吸会怎样? what will happen if i don't? 你会很快变得虚弱... you'll fade quickly... 然后便会结束 and then it'll all just be over. 我会死掉 i'll be dead. 嘿 hey. 我不想要这一切 i don't want this. 我知道 但是你会没事的 i know. it'll be ok. 你会没事的 you're gonnae ok. 我会帮你的 i can help you. 那样会好吗? is it better? 你说? 我会好起来吗? is it better?will i be better? 我想要回家 i wanna go home. 你能带我回家吗? will you take me home? 好的 ok. 不! no! 是木头 it's wood. 他们发现了 they know. 将来有谁能杀你 也只能是我 if anyone's gonna kill you,it's gonna be me. 我的戒指呢 不要! no! 不要! Vicki! no! vicki! 对不起 i'm sorry. 天啊 oh,my god. 怀表 快找那表 The Watch, find the watch. 你流血了 you're bleeding 没事 没事 我没事 No, it's ok,it's ok. I'm ok. 我制止不了她 我尽力了 I couldn't stop her.i tried. What doest that mean? 她吸了血 我就跟丢了 She fed and then i lost her. 天啊 oh my god 我会处理好的 我会找到她的 我会教她如何像我一样生活 i'll take care of it.i'll find her, and i will show her that she can live like i do. 我不会让她伤害别人的 Elena 我保证 i will make sure that she does not hurt anybody,elena. i promise you. 那我跟我弟弟怎么说 还有Matt? what do i tell my brother and and matt? 我们编个故事 we'll come up with a story. 你说我们扯个谎? you mean we'll come up with a lie. 真的很抱歉 i'm so sorry. 我给了你要求的一天的时间 i gave you today just like you asked. 我知道你绝对不会伤害我的 and i understand that you would never do anything to hurt me, 我保证我会替你保守秘密 但是... and i promise i will keep your secret,but 我不能跟你在一起 Stefan i can't be with you, stefan. 抱歉 我... i'm sorry. i 我做不到 i just can't.