

2015-10-13    01'30''

主播: 已婚贵妇

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【更多】欢迎联系或提出播客建议: 个人微信公众订阅号:xiaofo_freya 新浪微博:@笑佛Freya 将要到来的日子是个分水岭。 你们要增强信念,敬重圣像 才能安然度过。这件事已经排上日程, 你们,还有你们的身体悬于一线。 刚过去的事如同阴郁而巨大的希望 在丛林之上招摇,犹如一只巨人的手掌 临时放在疾行的云朵之上。 盆地变得丰盈而且复杂。 但这还不够。尴尬和忧虑 涌上心头。“他们来家里,就不会有咒骂。” 火搅扰着夜晚。没人能听到这件事。 或者有时候人们会忘记。 就像孩子一样。我用了好几个月时间 打破那条禁令,但有什么用呢? 能阻止什么?你还是那个理智、世故的人: 暮气沉沉,在这段路途,想入非非。 作者 / [美国] 约翰·阿什伯利 翻译 / 陈维 We Hesitate The days to come are a watershed. You have to improve your portrait of God To make it plain. It is on the list, You and your bodies are on the line. The new past now unfurls like a great somber hope Above the treeline, like a giant's hand Placed tentatively on the hurrying clouds. The basins come to be full and complex. But it is not enough. Concern and embarrassment Grow rank. Once they have come home there is no cursing. Fires disturb the evening. No one can hear the story. Or sometimes people just forget Like a child. It took me months To get that discipline banned, and what is the use, To ban that? You remain a sane, yet sophisticated, person: Rooted in twilight, dreaming, a piece of traffic. John Ashbery
上一期: 上火的小毛猴
下一期: 小幸运