

2016-04-17    01'47''

主播: 已婚贵妇

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【更多】欢迎联系或提出播客建议: 个人微信公众订阅号:xiaofo_freya 新浪微博:@笑佛Freya You can’t just sit here and put everybody’s lives ahead of yours , and think that counts as love .      你不能就那样坐在那儿,把其他人的生活看得比自己的还重要,你觉得那样算爱吗?      We can’t choose where we can come from , but we can choose where we go from there .      我们不能选择自己的出身,但我们可以决定成为一个怎样的人。      There are people who forget what it’s like to be 16 when they turn 17 .   I know these will all be stories someday . And our pictures will become old photographs .   And we’ll all become somebody’s mom or dad .   But right now , these moments are not stories . This is happening , I am here .   I am looking at her , she is so beautiful .   I can see it .   This one moment when you know you are not a sad story . You are alive .   You stand up and see the lights on buildings , and everything that makes you wonder .   And you are listening to that song on that drive with the people you love most in the world .   In this moment , I swear , we are infinite .      有些人活到17岁,便忘了自己16岁时的模样。   我知道一切终会成为往事,当下这些光鲜的图景终会变成泛黄的老照片。   而我们终将为人父母。   但现在我们还活在当下,故事正在发生,而我就在这里。   望着她,她是那样美丽。   世界就在我眼前。   在这一刻,你知道你不是一个伤感故事的组成部分。你是活着的人。   你站在车上,看着灯火阑珊的高楼夜色,一切都让你惊叹不已。   听着车厢中传出的音乐,和生命中最无可替代的两人在公路上奔驰向前的时候。   我发誓,我们拥有,无限。