《乡愁》(文:余光中 / 诵 强歌)

《乡愁》(文:余光中 / 诵 强歌)

2017-12-14    03'20''

主播: 强歌

453 4

小时候, 乡愁是一枚小小的邮票, 我在这头, 母亲在那头。 乡愁 余光中 长大后, 乡愁是一张窄窄的船票, 我在这头, 新娘在那头。 后来啊, 乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓, 我在外头, 母亲在里头。 而现在, 乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡, 我在这头, 大陆在那头。 折叠英文译文 When I was young, my homesickness was a small stamp, I was here, my mother was there. After growing up, my homesickness was a narrow ticket, I was here, my bride was there. Later, my homesickness was a little tomb, I was outside, my mother was inside. And now, my homesickness is a shallow strait, I am here, the mainland is there.