10 little rubber ducks (10只橡皮鸭 上部)

10 little rubber ducks (10只橡皮鸭 上部)

2016-05-08    08'55''

主播: Candy英文绘本故事

509 11

Chuckedy-chuckedy--Chuck. Goes the rubber duck machine. Out pop little yellow rubber ducks one after the other, one after the other. The little rubber ducks are painted----bills red and eyes blue. 在工厂机器传送带上,黄色橡皮橡一个接着一个被生产好送出来。 工人们再为已经成形的鸭子上色,将它们的嘴涂成红色,眼睛涂成蓝色。 Then they are packed, 10 to a box...... And off they go...... To be loaded onto a cargo ship. “hello”, calls the captain. 而后,工人们将这些橡皮鸭10个一包将进盒子中。 运上了海上的货船。“开船啰!”船长喊了一声。 The captain and his cargo ship are taking the little rubber ducks across the wide sea to faraway countries, to faraway countries. 货船载着橡皮鸭越过宽广的大海,驶向一些遥远的国家。 Suddenly a storm churns the water into big waves. A strong wind whistles across the sea, whistles across the sea. 突然间,风暴来临啦!海面巨浪层层叠起。 强风不断地咆哮着冲向大海。 A big wave lifts up one of the boxes And throws it into the water. 一个浪头猛然间打翻了货船上的一箱货品。 The box opens, and 10 little rubber ducks fall out. “ 10 rubber ducks overboard!” shouts the captain. “ 10 rubber ducks overboard!” 箱子倾刻间分散开来,10支小橡皮鸭夺箱而出。 After some time the storm calms down. The 10 little rubber ducks bob in the big wide sea. As far as one can see-----only water and sky, water and sky. The 10 little rubber ducks begin to drift apart. 过了好一会儿,风暴才慢慢地退去,海面又渐渐恢复了平静。 那10支橡皮鸭在一望无垠的大海上随波逐流。 而且,它们也逐渐分散漂流,渐行渐远了。。。。。。