Rooster's off to see the world (大公鸡环游世界 下半部)

Rooster's off to see the world (大公鸡环游世界 下半部)

2016-05-14    07'53''

主播: Candy英文绘本故事

201 5

After a few minutes of silence, the fish suddenly decided that it might be best if they headed for home. They wished the others a happy trip and swam away. 沉寂了一会儿后,鱼儿们突然决定也许它们现在回家比较好。它们友好地告别了行程中的其它友人们。 Then, the turtles began to think about their warm house. They turned and crawled back down the road without so much as a good-bye. 而后,小乌龟们开始想念它们温暖的家了。它们也慢慢地打道回府了。 The frogs weren’t too happy with the trip anymore, either. First one and then the other and finally the last one jumped away. They were polite enough, though, to wish the rooster a good evening as they disappeared into the night. 青蛙们也不是太满意这趟行程。它们先后跳走了,临走前和大公鸡告了别。 The cats then remembered an unfinished meal they had left behind. They kindly wished the rooster a happy journey and they, too, headed for home. 小猫们想起了还没享用完的晚餐,和大公鸡道别后也回家了。 Now the rooster was all alone---and he hadn’t seen anything of the world. He thought for a minute and then said to the moon, “To tell you the truth, I am not only hungry and cold, but I’m homesick as well.” The moon did not answer. It, too, disappeared. 现在呀,只剩下大公鸡一个了,但它还没有看到世界了。它考虑片刻后,朝着月亮说:“告诉你,我其实不仅很饿还很冷,并且我也很想家了。”月亮没有回应它,也悄悄地穿到云层里去了。 The rooster knew what he had to do. He turned around and went back home again. He enjoyed a good meal of grain and then sat on his very own perch. 大公鸡也回家了,它享用了一顿餐点后,美美地睡着了。 After a while he went to sleep and had a wonderful happy dream----all about a trip around the world. 大公鸡很快地进入了梦乡,并且做了一个环游世界的美梦。