走遍世界 旅游口语 登机1

走遍世界 旅游口语 登机1

2018-06-21    08'25''

主播: voice of chunxia

967 11

走遍世界 旅游口语 登机 1 Situation : Ed and Amy's flight is now ready for taking off. The passengers have been requested to board. P.A.=Public-Address System F.A.=Flight Attendant Amy: Well, it's almost time. That nap in the lounge made me feel good. I'm raring to go. P.A.: All business calss passengers may now board the aircraft. Ed: That's us, honey.Let's go. F.A.: Welcome aboard.Your seats are up front there on the right. 艾米:嗯,时间差不多了。在候机室小睡一会儿真舒服!我等不及要走了。 广播:商务舱的旅客请现在登机。 爱德:是我们,亲爱的,走吧。 乘务员:欢迎搭乘本次航班,你们的座位在右前方。