走遍世界 旅游口语 Block Party2

走遍世界 旅游口语 Block Party2

2019-06-20    09'07''

主播: voice of chunxia

1467 22

This is ...This is your stall where you’re selling all kinds of cool stuff ? 这个小摊上的,漂亮的东西,是你在卖吗? Yes. Cool.So,uh,do you make all this yourself or is it resale? 真棒,那么,这些东西是你自己做的还是转售的? My mum does.我妈妈做的。 Really ?She makes all of this ? 真的吗?全是她做的? Wow,it‘s beautiful .哇,真漂亮。 And your mom is ducking down . 你妈妈躲在看着后面了。 she doesn’t want to be interviewed right now, 她这会儿不想接受采访。 Okay, you're doing ...you're doing great . 好的,你做得很棒。 I just have a couple more questions. 我就问你几个小问题。 What ...What do you think is your most popular item that you sell here? 你觉得卖得最好的商品是哪件? The most popular item would be... The sunrise shells . 卖得最好的是...日出贝壳。 Sunrise shells? 日出贝壳? -Yeah.是的。 Could I take a look at one ?我能看看吗? Uh,we sold out .呃,我们卖完了。 Really?You did not save one for me ? No. 真的吗?都没给我留一个吗? No.没有。 Come on,I... I have a ribbon! 别啊,我可是戴了绶带的。 Ah…唉