洞洞书2there was an old lady who swallowed a fly有位老婆婆吞了一只苍蝇

洞洞书2there was an old lady who swallowed a fly有位老婆婆吞了一只苍蝇

2016-09-11    02'40''

主播: 维多利亚双语电台

2283 9

1.There was an old lady who swallowed a fly 是一本具有循环性、可预测性的荒谬故事。援引由来已久的歌曲素材,重新诠释了这首英国童谣。讲的是有一位老婆婆不小心吞食了一只苍蝇,更不可思议的是她又吞食了蜘蛛、小鸟、小狗、奶牛和马!动物是这本书的主角,它们随着重复不断的句型,一一的被介绍出来~让孩子们在哈哈大小中掌握重点词汇和句型。 本书的作者是美国犹太裔儿童图画书新起之秀Simms Taback,他所创作的儿童读物有35本之多,其中有两本改变自传统英文童谣而重新创作成的图画,让他成功的抱回二座美国儿童文学界的凯迪克大奖!除此之外,他还具有多重不同的工作身份,平面设计师、广告公司的艺术总监,更棒的是有不少他的作品都是由他和朋友合开的插画工作室所出版。 有位吞了苍蝇的老奶奶这位老奶奶画的太可爱了,笑眯眯的眼睛和红彤彤的脸蛋,谁能想到她竟然吞下了一只苍蝇后,紧接着又吞下了其他的动物。小朋友们,你们能 想到老奶奶最后的结局吗?这本书的设计手法充满童趣,在书的背面隐藏着许多小心机哦,书中的图片暗示了下一个动物的出现。同时背面的每一页都采用了不同的 颜色并用孩子般稚嫩的笔迹写出了重复的语句,而洞洞的设计又让这些文字形成了叠加的效果,另有一番情趣。在书的正面,老奶奶每吞下一只动物,洞洞中就出现 一只动物,她肚子也变的越来越大。故事情节简单又夸张,充满了西方人特有的幽默和大胆想象,很符合孩子的阅读心理。 Song Lyrics & Words There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a spider, that wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a bird. How absurd to swallow a bird. 荒谬,可笑 She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, that wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a cat. Well, fancy that, she swallowed a cat. She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. how absurb, to swallow a bird. She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, that wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a dog. what a hog, to swallow a dog. She swallowed the dog to catch the cat. well fancy that, she swallowed a cat. She swallowed the cat, to catch the bird, how absurb, to swallow a bird. She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, that wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a cow. I don't know how she swallowed a cow. She swallowed the cow to catch the dog. what a hog, to swallow a dog. She swallowed the dog, to catch the cat. well fancy that, she swallowed a cat. She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. how absurb, to swallow a bird. She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, that wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die. There was an old lady who swallowed a horse... She's dead of course! 有个老婆婆吞了一只苍蝇,然后她吞下蜘蛛去逮苍蝇、吞下鸟儿去捉蜘蛛、吞下猫去抓鸟儿、吞下狗去咬猫、吞下奶牛去追狗,最后吞下一匹马——她撑死了! 这是一首人们耳熟能详的民谣,可是谁也不知老婆婆肚子里的情况是怎样的,西姆斯塔贝克用不断变大的洞洞,展现了生动跳跃的视觉效果,新鲜有趣!他还用撕纸拼贴的方式,把日常生活中的小物件融入故事中,又添了一份独到的艺术巧思! 故事结构循环往复,语言富于韵律节奏,让孩子读起来朗朗上口;情节简单又夸张,充满了来自民间的诙谐和糅合了传统与现代的无厘头式幽默!  《吞了苍蝇的老奶奶》(这也是吴敏兰老师推荐的绘本之一哟)来源于一首作者不明、耳熟能详的民间诗歌,是由西姆斯·塔贝克绘制而成的绘本。西姆斯·塔贝克用不断变大的洞洞加撕纸拼贴的方式,展现了生动跳跃的视觉效果,新鲜有趣!而且富有特别的艺术感!故事结构循环往复,语言富于韵律节奏,让孩子读起来朗朗上口,很舒服;情节简单又夸张,充满了来自民间的无厘头式幽默!   好了,现在再给大家简单介绍下《吞了苍蝇的老奶奶》的主要内容。这本绘本主要说的是,从前,有一个老奶奶,她无所不吞。那么这次她到底又吞下了什么呢?首先她吞下了一只苍蝇,为什么呢?然后吞下了一只蜘蛛,接着吞下了一只小鸟,为什么呢?最后老奶奶还陆陆续续吞下了更多动物:一只猫,一条狗,一头牛,甚至一匹马!天啊,为什么老奶奶会吞下这些动物呢?亲爱的爸爸妈妈和宝贝们,你们知道为什么吗?一起来,一起找原因吧!         有个吞下苍蝇的老奶奶。我不知道为什么她会把苍蝇吞下。她可能会死。     有个吞下蜘蛛的老奶奶。   那扭动着的、迅速移动的、使人发痒的东西在她身体里面。   她吞下蜘蛛去抓苍蝇。我不知道为什么她会把苍蝇吞下。她可能会死。        有个吞下一只鸟的老奶奶。      多荒唐啊!她吞下了一只鸟。      她吞下了鸟去抓蜘蛛。她吞下了蜘蛛去抓苍蝇。我不知道为什么她会把苍蝇吞下。她可能会死。     有个吞下一只猫的老奶奶。      难以想象!她吞下了一只猫。      她吞下了猫去抓鸟。她吞下了鸟去抓蜘蛛。她吞下了蜘蛛去抓苍蝇。我不知道为什么她会把苍蝇吞下。她可能会死。      有个吞下一只狗的老奶奶。      她彻底地吞下了狗。      她吞下了狗去抓猫。她吞下了猫去抓鸟。她吞下了鸟去抓蜘蛛。她吞下了蜘蛛去抓苍蝇。我不知道为什么她会把苍蝇吞下。她可能会死。      有一个吞下一头牛的老奶奶。      我不知道她是怎么把牛吞下去的。      她吞下了牛去抓狗。她吞下了狗去抓猫。她吞下了猫去抓鸟。她吞下了鸟去抓蜘蛛。她吞下了蜘蛛去抓苍蝇。我不知道为什么她会把苍蝇吞下。她可能会死。      有个吞下一匹马的老奶奶。   当然,她死了。