维多利亚领读hockory dickory dock 第六段

维多利亚领读hockory dickory dock 第六段

2016-10-13    01'51''

主播: 维多利亚双语电台

855 12

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Hickory dickory dock. The worm squirmed up the clock. 虫子蠕动到了大钟上The clock struck eleven. 大钟敲了11下,Th worm squirmed again. 虫子又蠕动了 Hickory dickory dock. Hickory dickory dock. The rat raced up the clock. 老鼠向上跑到大钟上The clock struck twelve. The rat hid on a shelf.老鼠藏在书架上 Hickory dickory dock.