维多利亚讲鹅妈妈童谣Down in the valley where the green grass grows

维多利亚讲鹅妈妈童谣Down in the valley where the green grass grows

2017-01-14    04'58''

主播: 维多利亚双语电台

1739 12

维多利亚讲鹅妈妈童谣Down in the valley where the green grass grows 山谷里,绿草生长的地方 Down in the valley where the green grass grows, There&`&s a pretty maiden she grows like a rose; She grows, she grows,she grows so sweet, She sings for her true love across the street. Tommy,Tommy, will you marry me? Yes, Love,yes, love, at half past three. Ice cakes, spice cakes, all for tea. We&`&ll have our wedding at half past three. valley maiden 少女 spice 香草蛋糕 across the stree马路对面 原版鹅妈妈童谣著作版权是英国哒,发表在辣妈宝贝群公众账号与维多利亚荔枝FM1918110电台的解释与教案内容是维多利亚原创,任何机构与个人不得未经授权转载,欢迎英语爱好者们多提宝贵意见,加入讨论,共同探讨学习进步是极好的... 加入辣妈宝贝双语朗读群,养成双语阅读好习惯 用心打造2-12岁孩童最全面的课外亲子时光互动平台,见证孩子们的成长奇迹,定期线下亲子公益活动,让孩子们表达自我懂得关爱,群主维多利亚微信号1号victoriaqd已满勿加,群主微信2号iqueenvic已满勿加,群主微信3号vicsai3新人可加,请勿重复添加群主个人微信号,感恩有缘相聚在辣妈群爱的集体当中一路陪伴,从未缺席......