听抖森绅士表白:There is a lady sweet and kind有一位女郎甜美和善

听抖森绅士表白:There is a lady sweet and kind有一位女郎甜美和善

2017-02-10    01'22''

主播: 维多利亚双语电台

1832 9

情人节听抖森表白:There is a lady sweet and kind There is a lady sweet and kind, Was never face so pleas&`&d my mind; I did but see her passing by, And yet I love her till I die. Her gesture, motion, and her smiles, Her wit, her voice, my heart beguiles, Beguiles my heart, I know not why, And yet I love her till I die. Her free behaviour, winning looks, Will make a lawyer burn his books; I touch&`&d her not, alas! not I, And yet I love her till I die. Had I her fast betwixt mine arms, Judge you that think such sports were harms, Were&`&t any harm? no, no, fie, fie, For I will love her till I die. Should I remain confined there So long as Phoebus in his sphere, I to request, she to deny, Yet would I love her till I die. Cupid is winged and doth range, Her country so my love doth change: But change she earth, or change she sky, Yet will I love her till I die. 有一位女郎甜美和善, 她的容貌让我愉悦非常; 看着她从身边走过, 我想爱她直到地老天荒。   她的举止,她的微笑, 她的机智和声音让我心驰神往, 让我心驰神往,不知是何原因, 但我要爱她直到地老天荒。 奔放的姿容,骄人的模样, 让律师把法律抛舍; 天哪,我自愧不如, 而且要爱她直到地老天荒。    如果我把她拥进怀里, 你觉得这会对她造成损伤, 造成损伤?不会不会, 因为我要爱她直到地老天荒。 我会继续把她追求, 只要世上还有太阳, 即使她总是拒绝, 我也要爱她直到地老天荒。 丘比特展翅飞遍她的家乡, 我的爱人也随着换了形象: 变换天地我的爱也不变, 我要爱她直到地老天荒。