科大才女深情献声:林徽因《莲灯》 ~情人节告白,最爱的中国新诗

科大才女深情献声:林徽因《莲灯》 ~情人节告白,最爱的中国新诗

2017-02-11    03'21''

主播: 维多利亚双语电台

2188 5

林徽因《莲灯》: 如果我的心是一朵莲花 正中擎出一支点亮的蜡 荧荧虽则单是那一剪光 我也要它骄傲的捧出辉煌 不怕它只是我个人的莲灯 照不见前后崎岖的人生—— 浮沉它依附着人海的浪涛 明暗自成了它内心的秘奥 单是那光一闪花一朵—— 像一叶轻舸驶出了江河—— 宛转它漂随命运的波涌 等候那阵阵风向远处推送 算做一次过客在宇宙里 认识这玲珑的生从容的死 这飘忽的途程也就是个—— 也就是个美丽美丽的梦 ----初刊于1933年3月1日《新月》 第一次读这首诗有种莫名的感动,诗中“莲灯”是作者生命的象征,是点燃作者和读者的精神力量。一盏莲灯好像坎坷命运湍流中的一丝光亮,微弱却不乏力量,随波逐流却不迷失方向。我印象深刻的是作者在诗中阐释的对生死的态度:“玲珑的生,从容的死”让我想起泰戈尔说“生若夏花般绚烂,死若秋叶般静美”,不过泰戈尔的表述是静态,而林徽因通过莲灯的意向表达的是缓缓流动的生命过程,是涌动不息的生命精神。 就是个美丽美丽的梦。 Lotus Lantern Lin Huiyin If my heart were a lotus, From which bearing a flame of candle, Though glimmering slightly, I would still make it shining and be proud of radiance. I do not care that it s only my personal lotus lantern That wouldn t shine all along the rough way of life In ups and downs; it drifts along the surge of people, With light and shade being its inner mystery. A flash of light, a single flower As a canoe sailing out of a river, It trips and falls with the wave of destiny, Waiting for the blowing of a gust of wind, Considered as a passerby one in the universe. I realize the delicate living and deliberate dying, The drifting process means A beautiful, beautiful dream. (海岸 译)