day 70 STRAIGHTEN+OUT张一凡讲解英语口语公益99天第70天

day 70 STRAIGHTEN+OUT张一凡讲解英语口语公益99天第70天

2017-11-24    01'06''

主播: 维多利亚双语电台

249 4

张一凡讲解英语口语公益99天第70天 张一凡,alvin,爱英音,爱美剧,爱音乐,爱生活。青岛科技大学英语专业本科,VOC校园之声英语主播,曾担任青岛二中课堂翻译工作。 英语口语流利说99天公益训练营第七十天 外教示范视频朗读文本: to straighten out Professor Dick was so rude to me He probably didn’t know you were a teacher. I’m really mad I’ll go talk to him and straighten this out. Don’t worry I won’t be happy unless he apologize