成人英语基础:Can you lower the price?你能降价吗

成人英语基础:Can you lower the price?你能降价吗

2017-03-23    01'39''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

98 1

Can you lower the price?你能降价吗 Can you lower the price? 你能不能降低价格? Can you make it cheaper? 你能不能便宜一点? That’s way too high. 那个价格实在太高.  That’s too expensive.  太贵了. I can’t afford it.     我买不起. Please help me out. 请你帮我的忙. How about a deal?要不要给我一个好的价钱? How about 20% off? 打个八折如何? I’d really appreciate it. 我会非常感激.