中级班:如何减肥 2

中级班:如何减肥 2

2017-03-26    04'21''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

107 1

中级班:如何减肥 2 Be very determined to work hard.要很有决心去努力工作。 Be disciplined enough to commit.要很自律,准备付出。 You must promise yourself not a quit.你一定对自己承诺不能放弃。 Write down the reasons you want to lose weight.写下你要减肥的原因。 Write down the goals you want to achieve.写下要达到的目标。 Truly convince yourself that you have the power to change.要说服自己,自己是有力量去改变的。 We all know that dieting is the answer.我们都知道,饮食是减肥的答案。 We know we are what we eat.我们知道自己吃了什么。 To lose weight we must alter our diet.要减肥就要改变饮食。